Hey Guys/Gals… Starting this thread to collate some info on IIM A batch for 2006-08 People who intend to take up IIM A can post here I am thru at IIM A… I am from Mumbai Engineer VJTI+34months work ex in IT (Hexaware Tech. Ltd) an…
Hey Guys/Gals...
Starting this thread to collate some info on IIM A batch for 2006-08
People who intend to take up IIM A can post here
I am thru at IIM A...
I am from Mumbai
Engineer VJTI+34months work ex in IT (Hexaware Tech. Ltd) and converted BLACK...Rejected by Indore....
Anyways this post can help people from the same cities come together and move together in groups towards IIM A...
So paging for IIM A junta from Mumbai....
Lets book a chartered flight from Mumbai to Ahmedabad....
I think I know atleast 10-15 ppl from mumbai who have got thru at IIM A...
So guys why not meet....
Spoke to Arkss (TIME) and he said that there will be party from TIME for all call getters...
Probably we cud plan a get together on similar lines....
hey fellow IIMA mates...
I am also thru...
Abt me, I am a B.E. 2005 passout (mumbai university, D J Sanghvi CoE)
Currently working with i-flex...
Needless to say, am elated to get into IIMA.
As tejas said, lets arrange for a mumbai meet... Am game for it :)
PS: Love to have that pic next to my post
Hey Tejas
Got thru A and am from VJTI too...2004 pass out
Count me in for the meets :)
-Ami :)
hi ppl,
me also through,
am a fresher from mumbai,
Comp engineering,
needless to say,
i m joining IIM A..
Hi Folks
I am Abhijit here. I am through to A too and I am from Bombay.
IIT B 2000 batch with an MS and too much experience.
Is there anyone from my GD PI at A on the 18th at 2?
I am the completely bearded guy with a suit. Very difficult to miss me.
Congrats guys
and shoot a message here if you'll have any questions. We'll try to answer them :)
Welcome to IIMA
Hey guys (used in a gender neutral way, in case Suze finds some more free time from her internship, and blasts me for it)
Congrats to all who've got thru, those who've posted and those who've yet to do so...
Have a ball now, party real hard...Post any queries you might have on this thread, or jus pm one of us...
Congrats once again,
hope to see you ppl soon,
I am Karthik from Bangalore. BTech from IIT, Madras. 5 years work experience with Infosys. Would join IIM-A 90%. Just giving a 10 % consideration to IIM-C.
@ seniors - When do classes start? Are there are any preperatory programs? Do we need to read up something before hand?
@ wanderlust, suzyQ - I remember you both from the heated capitalism vs communism discussions on the Ayn Rand thread around 2 years back.
@ Bangalore call getters - Any meets planned?
I am Vibhor Tikiya. I am a B.E. from Mumbai University and have done my Masters in Telecom from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore(C.G. 7.5/8.0). I will be having close to 2 years of experience in Emuzed(now with Flextronics) when I join IIMA. I have a decent past research record (12 publications, both conference(tier 1) and journal in IEEE and a patent(still to be filed with the lawyers)).
Yaar, ISB has my 1.5 lacs non-refundable deposit. I saw a few guys who are denying ISB for IIMA. I am going to do the same. Any hopes of getting some money back at least. U guys must have tried. 1 saal ki IIMA ki fees ka kaam ho jayega.
hi guys,i am Akhilesh Negi from shimla.
convertedA,B,C,K,FMS. 100% joining IIM A .
i'm currently giving my final year exams in BA(Economics)
just dying to be in that fabulaous architectural marvel known as the iimA building. see u in gujjuland

Name : Rushikesh Humbe
Educational Background :
SSC (X)---85.86%
HSC (XII)-88.67%
Engineering : Government college of engg pune (COEP)
Eletronics and Telecommunication
Excellent Acads
Work Experience
Almost 3 years (9 months Bajaj Auto 26 months TCS Mumbai)
Extra Activities
Lots of extra curricular activities.
@tejas----> Boss you have any tie up with airline operator kya ? I know ur affinity with Virgin Atlantic but they don't operate bet Mumbai and Ahemdabad

@Others---> Will plan the meet in next weekend ......this long weekend we will keep for enjoying ourselves.
I created an orkut community IIM Ahemdabad 2008 Batch (http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=11655444)
All of you please join it......thoes who are not on orkut PM me your email ID and I will invite you to join....
I am Vibhor Tikiya. I am a B.E. from Mumbai University and have done my Masters in Telecom from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore(C.G. 7.5/8.0). I will be having close to 2 years of experience in Emuzed(now with Flextronics) when I join IIMA. I have a decent past research record (12 publications, both conference(tier 1) and journal in IEEE and a patent(still to be filed with the lawyers)).
Yaar, ISB has my 1.5 lacs non-refundable deposit. I saw a few guys who are denying ISB for IIMA. I am going to do the same. Any hopes of getting some money back at least. U guys must have tried. 1 saal ki IIMA ki fees ka kaam ho jayega.
Hi Vibhor this is Rushikesh.....seeing u after our IIM K PI!!!!
Glad to see you are in IIM A......
So one scientist in our batch 😃 Sahee Hai !!!
hi IIM A seniors, i have a query. i am currently in BA(eco) final year. now HP University is notorious for sending degree certificates after 2-3 years. i will get my final marksheet by may this year. will that be enough for admission to IIM A or do i have to deposit degree also.
Hello fellow batchmates :)
Haven't posted on PG at all, though used to keep getting all the info from my friend Yossarian.
It's been quite pleasant surprise getting through A (if I might be so bold as to do away with the euphoria, elation etc etc) :)
Originally from Delhi, I'm in final year B.Tech Comp. Sc. from IIIT-H, with absolutely zilch experience. Hope to see you guys there if I get my degree :)
I am Narayanan from Chennai. I have got final admits from IIM A,B,C and L but i will be joining IIM A for sure. I did my B.E(ECE) from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. I would have completed 2 years in CTS when i join IIM A. Would love to meet people who have made it to IIM A from Chennai. Hoping to see you all soon in IIM A.
Hey Guys....
Hello to all...
Just read that meets are organised in cities for various IIMs....
Can some of the seniors please confirm this?
Just say a post by IIM C senior on the IIM C thread that there will meets organised....
Does the same thing happen for IIM A....
If that is the case it will be really great....:)
Meanwhile lets the posts keep coming....The more the merrier....
Hi Everybody!!!
I am in too!!!. I would be lying if I said that I was'nt surprised seeing IIM-A results. But neways its good to see so many familiar faces around.It seems that a mini-community is going from Mumbai to Ahmedabad. Well friends count me in for any meet that you'll plan to have.
muggo fachchon muggo!!
Fresh meat for the grinder!
welcome all ye to iima. we will ensure that you have a pleasant stay on our premises.
now here are the replies to some of the queries posted on the thread
1. there is a prep course - you will be informed by post if you are required to attend it. the course is optional but you will a whole lot of fun if you dont attend
2. degree certificates are required by the end of the year; freshies will be provisionally admitted on the basis of their marksheets
3. there will be city specific meets - but all in good time. you will be informed via an egroup that is proably in the process of being set up even as you read this
IMP: please start downloading the latest movies, series and documentaries (whatever) for our entertainment next year. also, make sure you get large bags to haul your books!!
hi guys
i m in too...commerce graduate from kolkata...have final convert a,l,k but will b giong to a for sure
any guys and gals from kolkata who r going to join me in gujuland please pop in a mail at [email protected] and maybe we can meet up
as for the mumbai junta...are your parties exclusive or could i drop in when i am in your lovely city
congrats to all once again
will b meeting u in gujjuland soon