Hi Guys, Any one preparing for the RBI Grade B officers exam to be held on 16 Oct apart from CAT, please post any info regarding preparation u have, any online resources, books to refer, type of questions et al. Also anyone from Delhi pl...
Hi Guys,
Any one preparing for the RBI Grade B officers exam to be held on 16 Oct apart from CAT, please post any info regarding preparation u have, any online resources, books to refer, type of questions et al.
Also anyone from Delhi pls pm me if interested in group study.
Hi Raman
puchase books of sura and solve as many as previous papers as possible coz
for banks all u need is practice further read ET on a daily basis,iam following the same
routine and hope to get through very soon ,any piece of information ,advice and suggestion
will be welcomed especially regarding the toal number of attempts expected to top the merit
list and the gk part of paper which i find quiet complex
Hi !! me too in the same boat...just giving it a shot ..I got hold of a prvious paper and the distribution of marks really did me in..Gk for 80 marks!!! ..that too some pure economics..having an engg background,then a software engg by profession..i do really stand a low chance..anyways...can u pls give me the complete book name ...I am appearing for a banking exam for the first time in my life...so hav no idea about it...
u seem to be a pro in this...pls guide us more if u can...TIA
well never heard of such exam..will it be conducted every year????
these exams are held every year,subscribe an employment news for that and be updated
as regards the gk is concerned and the paper of previous year please send it across if u can
SURA bank probationary officer book is a complete guide which gives u study material and
around 20-30 previous year papers costing 350 approx it is worth it
hOwever iam finding it difficult to keep myself updated as regards GK is concerned inspite
of being a daily reader.please anyone knowing any latest source of bank PO G.k kindly
let us know
hi people .
Me giving this exam for fun sake. well if you want i can donate few economics related materials for you all !!!
we need it desperately!!
pls post it ...
DOES anybdy have last year papers for the same ??? I need it for my brother ...
ATB to all
ok people here you go some decent prep stuff for you all .. mere ko gaali mat dena if something is missing or wrong ! yaar apan to crack maar nahin payenge so busy with work . tum log hee mar lena .. more info you need about the same here is the info
Grade B --> Manager
Grade C --> Asst. GM
Grade D --> GM
Grade E --> Ass Chf GM
GRADE F --> Chief GM
You have loads of benefits in this .. life is excellent... expect loads of questions on economics.. basically i call it freak- o - nomics... All the best people CARCK your nerves out 6 days more to go !!
Thanx maan!!
thats useful!
IF u have more docs regarding policy, initiatives of govt,plz do post!!
Do you have ne idea as to when the results will be out??
or is it already out!!:wow:
if so...did anyone of you make it!!!

hi ppl,
Was looking for such a thread....whatz the minimum eligibility criteria and when are the exams held??
a first class graduate is all that is required for meeting ur eligibility creteria
written test,followed byan interview is done
by the way is any one apperaing for the corp bank and dena bank exams to be held this yr
esp anyone in b'lore jus let me know we can jointly study and share our views
a first class graduate is all that is required for meeting ur eligibility creteria
written test,followed byan interview is done
by the way is any one apperaing for the corp bank and dena bank exams to be held this yr
esp anyone in b'lore jus let me know we can jointly study and share our views
yes i m appearing for the dena bank n corp bank exams to be held.....but i m from delhi....cn u shr the strategy to prepare for gk...let us make this thread more happening...thx
@ abha
Ya sure , iguess we all hav already received our call letters and there is this slight change
in timings it is noe for 2 hrs and thirty min with reason hav =150 mks:wow:
and qUANTS HAVING 75 mks
hey any idea wat could be the min marks to come in the merit list the paper toatlly is of 300 mks
and wat are u doing for the gk pre
hi its priya
as m preparing in rbi grade "b"office exam. which is on oct.2007...wll anyone tell me whr i can get good resources on exam...previous years papers on website...
anybody having any useful weblinks or documents/pdfs or names of books etc regarding the rbi exam kindly post it
i found vandana and abhishek's post v useful
can u plz post more relevant material for exam prep
Thanks a lot Abhi
Hi Raman
dear friends,
hie its achin , well u guys can also visit this website link
its an amazing product by mr. anurag from chandigarh. i am also about to order, its selling for rs. 799 + 80 rs. shipping chrgs.
I hope this bank po success pack can help all of us to a brighter career option