Hi! Please share your IIM-Kozhikode WAT/PI experiences here. Please mention the following *CAT'12 percentile*: *Other calls:* *10th*: *12th*: *Graduation*: *Discipline:* *Work experience*: *Category (Optional): ** E...
Hi! Please share your IIM-Kozhikode WAT/PI experiences here.
Please mention the following
CAT'12 percentile:
Other calls:
Work experience:
Category (Optional):
Extra curriculars:
Interview centre:
Essay topic :
Essay experience:
PI experience:
Any other comments:
Last years' WAT/PI threads on PG:
a.[2012-2014] http://www.pagalguy.com/forums/cat-and-related-bschools/iimk-wat-slash-pi-2012-2014-batch-t-78306/p-3252191/r-3268274?page=1
b.[2011-2013] http://www.pagalguy.com/discussions/2011-2013-iim-kozhikode-gd-pi-experiences-25063148/2543608
Hey Puys :)

I mean, why not a separate thread for wat/pi experiences, like it has been before... ? :o
@Zoya9 said:@hanushanand why ? I mean, why not a separate thread for wat/pi experiences, like it has been before... ?

It should have been IIMK WAT/PI 2013-15 Experiences.

@visionIIM-ACL sir, Kindly Edit the TITLE of this Thread to 'IIMK WAT/PI 2013-15 Experiences".
@Zoya9 Done, miss!!

please tell the mods NOT to close this thread... hehe 😃 and also , please edit your comment by removing the link... 😃 we poor souls cant bear anymore confusion ... hehe ;)

Other calls: B, I, 6 new IIMs
10th: 93.20 (CBSE)
12th: 98.00 (Maharashtra Board)
Graduation: 85.20
Discipline: EEE- BITS-Pilani
Work experience: 30 months- networking segment
Category (Optional): Extra curriculars: Dance, swimming
Essay topic : Forgive your enemies but don't forget their names
Essay experience: prep-3/5, execution- 3/5
PI experience: 3/5 - 25 minutes
Any other comments:
To those who had the interviews: what was the time limit given for WAT??
45 min as written in the call letter.
Hi Friends,
I am giving CAT in oct 2013 and wanted to get some info abt IIMK in advance regarding my profile being suitable or not :). If not, what more could I do to improve it..
10th :- 66.26%
Diploma :- 61%
BE :- 55(Aggregate of all semesters frm 1st to final yr)
60(Aggregate of Fina year sems)
Work Exp :- 36 and counting(IT)
Would like to knw whcih aggregate is taken into considerations by B-schools...All sems or only the fina yr sems..
Also, do I stand a chance to get int FMS with, lets say, 95+%le in CAT?
Pls let me know r views on this !
Any help is highly appreciated.
Harman D
CAT'12 percentile: 98.05
Other calls: B, L, I, 6 new IIMs, XLRI
10th: 97.4
12th: 87.8
Graduation: 81.94
Work experience:2.3 years
Category (Optional): Extra curriculars:
Interview centre: BLR
Essay topic : "I dont know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone"
Essay experience: agreed to the topic, gave gyan as to have to why failure takes place, gave examples that a person suceeds when he does one thing at a time, as to pursues his goal, at the same time may not please all
gave eg of steve jobs(how short tempered with his colleagues he was)
gave eg of Dhoni -who takes unusual batting line up decisions, inspite of what critics say
gave eg of lord Ram, who agreed with a washerman and banished Sita, in attempt of serving all equally
concluded etc..
PI experience:
2 panelist, one normal(P1), one stress interviewer(P2)
introduce urself---gave
P1 - asked about advantages/disadv of outsourcing..gave some, not satisfied..asked wrt india, gave some, not satisfied.. i said have to think for a moment
P2 started asking : job etc, what is ur take on delhi rape case(me being from NCR)
gave bhashan(he listened intently)
P1 interuppted saying wat is ur take on allowing sex work as in singapore,
i said ya taht wud somewhat agree
me: yes , it will be helpful, but difficult in india
P1:indians are hypocrites(blatantly)
me:yes again somewhat , but we do have "bura na dekho,suno" attitide"
P1:asked about Electronics branch, fav subject, De morgans law..prove it..
me:gave ans
P1:fastest memory device
me:on 2-3 attempts - cache memory
P1: u shud rem
me: 2 yrs since,
P1: so
me:blah blah
no other quests...
Any other comments: all the best, be honest
Hey ,
Other calls: New IIMs and now FMS
10th: 94.4 CBSE
12th: 91.6 CBSE
Graduation: BE
Discipline: IT
Work experience: 18 months
Category (Optional): GENERAL
Interview centre: Monarch Luxur, Bangalore
Essay topic : I asked the Lord for a bicycle everyday but didn't get any. So I stole a bicycle and asked the Lord for forgiveness.
Essay experience:
PI experience: