Hi guys! I have been accepted by IESE and ESADE MBA programs and will have an interview for HEC Master in Management at the end of this month. Because of my age (24) and short work experience (2 years), I applied to both MBA and management progr…

Hi guys!
I have been accepted by IESE and ESADE MBA programs and will have an interview for HEC Master in Management at the end of this month. Because of my age (24) and short work experience (2 years), I applied to both MBA and management programs and now I had to decide which one to go to.
I am interested in areas such as marketing and design management and plan to work in a consulting firm specializing in textile branding afterwards.I have been hearing a lot of good things about the HEC management lately (especially about the academics in marketing department) and I know that IESE is one of the best MBAs in Spain. Since I have to decide in two weeks time, I want to learn what your opinions are about the programs?
P.S. I have been offered a scholarship IESE and waiting to hear from ESADE financial aid committee. I heard that HEC is very tight on offering scholarships, which is very important for my decision of course. I talked to the school, but they are not giving a lot of info about the scholarships. Do any of you have any info about the scholarships offered at HEC, are they merit or academic based?
I really need some quick opinions!!!Thanks!

Hi guys!
I have been accepted by IESE and ESADE MBA programs and will have an interview for HEC Master in Management at the end of this month. Because of my age (24) and short work experience (2 years), I applied to both MBA and management programs and now I had to decide which one to go to.
I am interested in areas such as marketing and design management and plan to work in a consulting firm specializing in textile branding afterwards.I have been hearing a lot of good things about the HEC management lately (especially about the academics in marketing department) and I know that IESE is one of the best MBAs in Spain. Since I have to decide in two weeks time, I want to learn what your opinions are about the programs?
P.S. I have been offered a scholarship IESE and waiting to hear from ESADE financial aid committee. I heard that HEC is very tight on offering scholarships, which is very important for my decision of course. I talked to the school, but they are not giving a lot of info about the scholarships. Do any of you have any info about the scholarships offered at HEC, are they merit or academic based?
I really need some quick opinions!!!Thanks!

Dear Kofte:

Congrats for your admits! In my opinion IESE is the better choice for the following reasons:

1. Being 24, a 2Y MBA program fits better as it provides substantial academic training and adequate time to focus. Not to mention the internship opportunities that will allow you to further explore your career goals within a practical setting.

2. IESE is one of the very few 90%+ case study method schools. This training format is especially strong for management consulting jobs.

3. The school is consistently ranked among the top 20 programs worldwide. Taking rankings with a pinch of salt, this indicates consistency in quality and global brand awareness by the entire business community.

4. You would have the chance to learn Spanish, one of the top 5 business languages of the world, thus providing you access to 450 million native speakers!

5. IESE has a very strong international student population and alumni community. There will be no shortage of "internationality" both in academic and professional terms throughout the entire program.

6. You already have financial aid!

7. Spain - Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, etc - is an amazing, fun, relaxed environment. Trust me... "irse de marcha" - "going to party" with stunning Spanish girls adds plenty of value to your quality of life.

8. Good luck whatever you decide to do.

Best regards

Peruvian Guru


That was quite an encouraging quote from Peruvian Guru. I completely agree on his stand point. Another factor could be the average age group in HEC which is relatively higher, however I heard that this year they have relaxed their age criteria a little. Among IESE and ESADE, i think IESE wins clearly as it is numero uno in Spain, so I guess you can rule out ESADE.
You can take a call between HEC and IESE. You need to also talk to the alumni of both schools, as you can learn more about the placements too.
There is one thing regarding HEC, it's gaining an amazing international repute, so I assume going forward an HEC brand can pay off well when it comes to the International scenario (outside Europe)

Just as I thought I made up my mind and chose IESE, I heard from ESADE about the scholarship: they are offering me 50% of the tuition fees...which is great of course except i have to think and decide again :)
I asked IESE about the total coverage of the scholarship they offered and it was less than I thought it would be. So, at the end this is the amount I have to pay if I choose either school:
IESE - They are giving 12,500 USD which is like 8000 euros, as a scholarship. So, I have to pay about 56,900 euros if I choose them.
ESADE- With the scholarship, I only have to pay 28,500 euros (which is half of IESE's payment)
Now, I have to decide if IESE is worth giving 28,500 euros more?
What do you guys think? Is anyone in a similar situation??
p.s. and of course I have 1.5 weeks to decide, which is never going to be enough :)

For HEC, I didn't apply to the MBA program, I applied to Msc in Management which is ranked as the best msc in management course by financial times. As it is not an MBA, most of the students who have applied are my age or even slightly younger.

But you are right, HEC is very well-known international brand, which makes the choice even more harder :)

Forgot to add:

Thank you Peruvianguru and shwetha.sun for the help, I really appreciate it 😃

Just as I thought I made up my mind and chose IESE, I heard from ESADE about the scholarship: they are offering me 50% of the tuition fees...which is great of course except i have to think and decide again :)

Thank you Peruvianguru and shwetha.sun for the help, I really appreciate it :)

Are you sure you were offered 50% schol at ESADE? :eyepop:

As per the best of my knowledge ESADE offers a max of 25% schol and that too to a v few students (may be 3-4).
Also, ESADE declares its schols on 1st June of every year.
What say?

Also, can you please tell us in brief about ur profile?

I am wondering why is nobody discussing european b schools. All of them mentioned in the subject are worldclass. Here are some of my observations/ study results about them -

- good ranking in past few yr
- expensive
-at expensive locations
- give lot of stress on international work exp
- avg work exp 5-7 yrs

Folks, please pour more inputs to improve our understanding of these b schools for example -

- key criteria which admission committe consider
- how are they vis a vis Oxford/ Cambridge/ HEC or Insead
- Placement scenario - if anyone can throwm light on same
- How important is undergrad acads to these b schools



My take on the 1 yr programs, primarily European -

1. IMD - Based on the rigor / small class size / student profile /
academic pedagogy/ (also the obvious reasons 😃 ). Not very strong
placements in Banking.

2. INSEAD - Is no 1 in everybody else's book. Very High brand recall /
Very high visibility / very large network (only European school to have an
Alumni network as strong as the US schools) / large applicant pool - Great
Consulting placements - but the rider is not everyone gets placed since the
class is appx 1000 ppl a year (2 campuses / 2 intakes) so the bottom 200
have a great problem...But overall maybe the best...

3. JL Kellogg 12 month option- Very strong Univ / good class
composition / Amongst the best in the US and US being the world's MBA cradle
and having most developed in terms of MBA recruiting. This is the school
which in the future might outdo IMD & INSEAD.

4. Cornell 12 Month option - Very strong Univ / good class composition
/ big advantage its based in the US.. Placements will always be better as
compared to a European school.. some specific degree to enroll - so check that requirement.

5. Richard Ivey, Canada - best case method school in the world (ppl say
after Harvard) / very good placement record / best school in Canada /
Salaries a little lower than US schools but the jobs are with same firms
but based at their Canadian offices / very nice country to live in

6. Queens, Canada - The best technical univ in the world after MIT,
this MBA was previously only for Technocrats but now open to all / great
placement record with the IT & consulting industry / great student profile /
good school location/ see Canada you will always find a job even if their is
down turn if you have passed out from Ivey or Queens.. they have such a
strong brand name.

7. Emory Univ, Gouizeta School of Business - US Based / good placement
record / great location / maybe not the best brand name but placements have
been good

8. Said School, Oxford - Old brand / very strong in UK / upcoming
placement record / very high Indian selection - Indians still believe if you
have studied at Oxford you are God..

9. Judge, Cambridge - same as Oxford

10. Manchester Buss School / 10. HEC Paris - both very old European
schools / exceptional location / Old corporate tie-ups / not strong
placement record

I would also add London Business School to the list with their so called 15-month Option...Its not exactly a 15- month course you can finish it only in 17/18 months.. which still is very decent - though you miss out on the International exchange if you do the 18 month option you can even do the International exchange but that takes 20 months to finish... I had opted for the 15- month option and had an admission for this course..I rank this course in the Top 3 of my list..

This is purely a 1 year prog ranking and can not be extended to the 2 year
progs.. For a quick look on the Top 10 schools in the world (European & US)
see the link ">" rel="nofollow">">> - These are the schools
I believe are genuinely the best..

Dear Nitin,

I can talk about IMD... since I am a present student at IMD..

Yes the IMD fees are a little higher than the other schools. But the school provides you all books and lunch for the whole year.. Which is quite a saving :-)

Average salaries at IMD are 15-20% higher than the other top schools because of the higher experience that participants have. Key considerations taken into account by the Ad Com are leadership exp, international experience, career trajectory, career profile, essays, GMAT and Past acads... IMD is not a very score centric school.. but you need to have a super profile..

My views on how it compares to Oxford / Cambridge / HEC etc are given in the post on the rankings..


Dear Nothing1954,

Thanks for asking... First up, I think both are great schools. My reasons to choose IMD were more personal, where I thought I fit in better and where I could get more inputs.

IMD according to various rankings over the last few years is the top ranked business school in the world. It also has the highest salary levels among the top MBA schools, this is also because the average experience we have is around 7 years. The small class size, exceptional leadership track, the most intensive MBA program, great faculty, thorough selection process, average age and experience levels of students were some reasons I choose IMD... see the school website to know more..

regarding opportunities all the the top schools give you great opportunities... You need to grab them, IMD's small class size (just 90 students) and IMD's industry focus means the down turn in the Wall Street generally does not impact us so much...

Rest were the costs an issue, I am sure when you are choosing from the top few schools, you don't think of that. You think more about the fit and where you want to spend a year or two and where do you want to make friends for life.. and in my case I choose IMD..


just to confirm are we talking about HEC - Paris or HEC - Montreal ??

which one is better in terms of placement and value for money

Hey oriental bro congrats,

is it possible for you to share ur brief profile with us and wat are the ways and means u are considering to finance ur MBA (if its not too personal question)


Do you know if it is possible to get that kind of loan in india, or US (non-citizen), I mean is it even worth considering Euro Schools if you can not get this huge amount for education.

I think IESE is probably the 3rd best European MBA programme after LBS and INSEAD. It has world class faculty and working very hard to offer a high quality programme.
It doesn't take people in droves like INSEAD or many of the well known French Grand Ecole Programmes. I think the batch size of Masters in Management programme at HEC is 500.
IESE aims to take about 216 people (6X6X6)- why so, I don't know.
The placements are reasonably good- not as good as LBS or INSEAD, I think.
This school is run by Opus Die.

The bigggest problem is the price tag- it is very steep- I think it would cost nearly 85,000 Euros to do the programme- well that's a lot of money- near about Rs.55 lakhs!
can one afford it? is it worth it at this price- that's a different matter.

Iguess then IE B School is cheapest of the good lot ( IE IESE ESADE ) in SPain

Both have many similarities !! international rankings favor INSEAD, whereas European Rankings favor HEC.
Can anyone solve this conundrum please !

Hi guys!
I have been accepted by IESE and ESADE MBA programs and will have an interview for HEC Master in Management at the end of this month. Because of my age (24) and short work experience (2 years), I applied to both MBA and management programs and now I had to decide which one to go to.
I am interested in areas such as marketing and design management and plan to work in a consulting firm specializing in textile branding afterwards.I have been hearing a lot of good things about the HEC management lately (especially about the academics in marketing department) and I know that IESE is one of the best MBAs in Spain. Since I have to decide in two weeks time, I want to learn what your opinions are about the programs?
P.S. I have been offered a scholarship IESE and waiting to hear from ESADE financial aid committee. I heard that HEC is very tight on offering scholarships, which is very important for my decision of course. I talked to the school, but they are not giving a lot of info about the scholarships. Do any of you have any info about the scholarships offered at HEC, are they merit or academic based?
I really need some quick opinions!!!Thanks!

Hii.... can you please give your gmat score with breakup. I am also aiming to apply to these schools but have only managed a score of 620. Work exp will be 2 years at the time of entering into the program next year.
Dear Kofte:

Congrats for your admits! In my opinion IESE is the better choice for the following reasons:

1. Being 24, a 2Y MBA program fits better as it provides substantial academic training and adequate time to focus. Not to mention the internship opportunities that will allow you to further explore your career goals within a practical setting.

2. IESE is one of the very few 90%+ case study method schools. This training format is especially strong for management consulting jobs.

3. The school is consistently ranked among the top 20 programs worldwide. Taking rankings with a pinch of salt, this indicates consistency in quality and global brand awareness by the entire business community.

4. You would have the chance to learn Spanish, one of the top 5 business languages of the world, thus providing you access to 450 million native speakers!

5. IESE has a very strong international student population and alumni community. There will be no shortage of "internationality" both in academic and professional terms throughout the entire program.

6. You already have financial aid!

7. Spain - Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, etc - is an amazing, fun, relaxed environment. Trust me... "irse de marcha" - "going to party" with stunning Spanish girls adds plenty of value to your quality of life.

8. Good luck whatever you decide to do.

Best regards

Peruvian Guru

Why would you not select ESADE..You have all reasons for why IESE..but you have not given reasons for why or why not ESADE..Could you share some light on this..