Articles in Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
1. Sierra Leone likely to be declared ebola-free (i) As per latest media reports, Sierra Leone, a country in west Africa, will be declared ebola-free by the World Health Organisation (WHO) when it will have gone 42 days without reporting any fresh case. (ii) So far, the disease has killed 3,589 people in Sierra Leone-221 […]
Staff Selection Commission has successfully conducted SSC-CGL Tier II 2015 examination on 24th & 25th October, 2015. 1,44,871 candidates were eligible for this exam in total. The aspiring candidates must be curious about the topic wise breakup, detailed analysis and expected cutoff of Tier II exam. We, at PaGaLgUybring you here the detailed analysis of Quantitative aptitude & […]
1. Maldives declares emergency for period of 30 days (i) The Maldives government recently declared a state of emergency for a period of 30 days as it perceived a threat to the national security and safety of citizens. This decision was taken after a cache of arms was discovered by the police at the nation’s […]
1. National Strategy Day to be celebrated on November 4 (i) The World Economic Forum will bring together a multi-stakeholder group to increase economic growth and social inclusion, make agriculture profitable, foster youth employability, ensure access to sustainable energy, and achieve smarter approaches urbanisation on the National Strategy Day, which will be observed on November […]
1. BRICS sign Moscow Declaration for supporting multilateral science project (i) The third meeting of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS)Ministers for Science, Technology and Innovation was recently held in Moscow. (ii) Wherein the member countries agreed to co-invest for resources in support of multilateral research and development on mutually agreed areas. […]
Dear Readers, The Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan has recently generated a lot of buzz and could be crucial for your exams. Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) is a nationwide campaign developed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development that aims at expanding the reach of Science, Mathematics and Technology on the grass-root school level. This article will […]
Dear Readers, The HRIDAY Scheme has recently been in news and could be crucial for your exams. The Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana, or HRIDAY, was launched early this year. This program will be aimed specifically at the heritage sites of the country and will work towards exploiting the potential of these cities. Targeted […]
Dear Readers, Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojana has recently been in the news and could be important for your exams. Initiated by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, the VKY is an important scheme which targets development and progress in tribal areas, and works towards facilitating better services and infrastructure in the underdeveloped sectors. This article will look […]
Staff Selection Commission has successfully conducted SSC-CGL Tier II 2015 examination on 24th & 25th October, 2015. 1,44,871 candidates were eligible for this exam in total. The aspiring candidates must be curious about the topic wise breakup, detailed analysis and expected cutoff of Tier II exam. We, at PaGaLgUy bring you here the detailed analysis […]
Dear Readers, The Skill India initiative has recently been in the news and could be important for your exam. Skill India is a nationwide campaign which targets the idea of skill development and makes skill a national agenda. Introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Skill India aims to create better opportunities and uplift those who […]