The Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, has filled all the vacant seats after the second round of seat allotment concluded by the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA), today on July 7, 2017. Earlier there were 14 seats vacant in different engineering streams at the premiere institute. Not only IIT Bombay, but other institutes like IIT Roorkee, IIT Madras and IIT Guwahati has almost filled their seats with only 1 seat vacant in various departments in the institutes.
However, there are seats vacant in the newly established IITs even after the conclusion of the second round. 68 seats in various IITs including the ones in IIT Mandi, IIT Ropar and IIT Varanasi are currently vacant and is scheduled to be filled in the upcoming counselling rounds.
However, in a turn of events the Supreme Court has today put a stay on the counselling process, which will result in further delay. The SC will hear the matter next on July 10, 2017, and hence there will be no results of third round of seat allotment before the date.
Even after six rounds of counselling, last year 76 seats in IITs remained vacant. To make sure that no seat remains vacant this year JoSAA will conduct seven rounds of seat allotment.
By mdeepikame