Articles in GRE Entrance Exam 2025
It all started with me getting placed in a PSU during my campus placements. Excited as I was to have finally gotten a job, somewhere at the back of the mind I knew that the job wasn’t for me. Never ever thought of working in the public sector due to various reasons. Nevertheless, I took […]
1. Miracle: Getting placed at PSU. 2. Honeymoon period: All pay and no work makes Jack a happy boy. 3. Denial: This isn’t happening, I can’t stay here for too long. 4. Anger: What the f**k is this $#!t? I deserve better! 5. Desperation: Appearing for CAT,GATE,IES,IAS,GRE anything & everything! 6. Realization: Failing miserably in […]
Everyone loves a B-school tag and an MBA degree. But with a large number of tests available for getting into an MBA several students face the dilemma of which test to go in for. CAT, GMAT or GRE are among the main tests the scores of which are recognised by most of the reputed B-schools […]
Next week I will be completing 3 years of having quit my IT job and plunging full-time into my venture CrackVerbal, a GMAT/GRE test preparation institute based out of Bangalore. I have had many people tell me that they admire what I have done and wanted me to share some tips. I think it is […]
Make a dashing march for foreign education! Foreign education gives an opportunity to get new acquaintances with new languages, cultures and friendships along with getting quality education. This is the reason that more than 4 lakhs of Indian students are getting admissions into foreign Universities. This figure is increasing at a stable rate during the […]
QS has most recently added another scholarship to its extensive list of scholarships for students. Please tell us about this exclusive scholarship by QS for the iGLEMBA program at UT Dallas. What were the reasons for QS to choose this programme for the Scholarship? The new iGLEMBA at UT Dallas is a unique program that […]
If somebody puts a gun to your head today and asks you to predict what questions will come in CAT 2014 , you would be safe in saying – that come what may – Reading Comprehension (RC) is bound to be part of the line up of questions! This simple fact underlines the importance of […]
1. Why GMAT? GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test), which debuted in 1954 has just turned sixty. And has remained one of the most popular Global Business School Admission Tests with about 238,000 people in 113 countries taking the test in 2013 (according the Graduate Management Admission Council[1]). With sixty-two percent of test takers coming from […]
I started my career with dismal performance in mock exams. During my first attempt I did not join any coaching and gave only mocks. Scores did not remain consistent across mocks. Not analyzing the solutions of the proc mocks also made the preparation worse. I got 92.26 percentile. Not a decent score. I got a […]
There are 2 types of people in the world: a) Those who make grand new year promises but don’t keep them & b) Those who don’t make any new year resolutions at all. There is a 3rd kind – those who make goals and strive everyday to keep them. Here are a few tips to […]