Articles in GRE Entrance Exam 2025
Numbers and figures play a crucial role in our lives, be it our salaries, our GRE/GMAT scores, our pointers or even for that matter, the telecom operator we use(the expensive ones really impress the lot). All of this boils down to the fact that your success quotient is attributed to some NUMBER which is not developed overnight. As […]
It has been a journey of three years, three long years to be honest. I always wondered whether I would get a chance to pen down my thoughts on this sacred thread, this wonderful page that has motivated countless souls(yours truly included) and has always pushed people further to think “yaar koi na, ek […]
My tryst with the CAT is quite different from that of others. It starts with my floundering academics in my Undergrads. I had waltzed through 10th with 88% in a relatively easy state board, taken up biology next (doctor dreams, you see) and after having a front-row show of bio, decided that medicine was never going […]
As i write this post, I have completed (I presume) a term at IIM Bangalore. Back at home, with Term 2 about to start, I felt I would pen down my thoughts in this sacred thread which motivated me and kept me going for 4 years. I still remember the AIWTSAC of Rohit Gupta and […]
Hi Everyone! Today we have launched a new course for you: Magic Maths – Averages. This course will help you get a complete understanding of the Averages topic. To complete this two-day course, you only need about 5 minutes per day. To join this course, go to: Averages is a very important topic with […]
Does maths bore you? Baffle you? Flummox you? Emasculate you? Enervate you? Worry not … help is at hand! PaGaLGuY presents the Magic Maths series of courses! These courses are designed to take no more than 10 minutes of your time every day and yet, are comprehensive enough to ensure that you learn various important […]
Finally I’m writing on this sacred thread. Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who shared his/her story here and inspired me .Please read at your own risk because this may not sound interesting. Coming to me…..I was always a good student in school. Though I was very active in class, I could never replicate […]
I had always dream to convert a biggy and post here…the sacred thread….but here is a total failure story of an idiot…why I’m posting here then? to motivate myself to go for one more try…to recollect myself and give my 100% one more time… So here it goes: Cat-06: Was in final year of my […]
He is the average student of an average engineering college. He is the one, who has been feeling remorse for not making it to IIT. Even if he had never wanted to go into an IIT, the feeling of letting down his parents makes him curse himself for the next four years of his college. […]
Problems based on mixtures, more commonly known as alligation is a fairly frequent concept tested on the exam. Since a major portion of this article is devoted to mathematics, let us begin with a little bit of English. ‘Alligation’ which means ‘a method of solving mixture problems’ sounds very similar to ‘allegation’ which means ‘a […]