The result of Assistant Section Officer (ASO) recruitment 2019 main exam has been declared by the Employee’s Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO). Candidates appeared in this exam can check their result on the official website of EPFO.
Earlier the recruitment notification was released for the vacancy of 280 posts whereas it has now been reduced to 240 with official notification. The EPFO ASO 2019 mains exam was being conducted on 7th November 2019.
Candidates qualifying in the prelim’s exam were being able to appear for the mains exam. The final result of the selected candidates is not being uploaded on the official website in the form of list of the qualified candidates.
The official website to get more details on the EPFO ASO 2019 exam and download the result is www.epfindia.gov.in .
Top 10 rank holders for EPFO ASO 2019 exam are:
Rank 1: Dinesh Gautam
Rank 2: Piyush Kishore
Rank 3: Varun Grover
Rank 4: Sourabh Roy
Rank 5: Abhinav Chaudhary
Rank 6: Faiz Ansar
Rank 7: Paridhi Sharma
Rank 8: Subhajit Tewari
Rank 9: Shivani Sharma
Rank 10: Navkirandeep Sharma
Steps to download the EPFO ASO Result 2019:
- Visit the official website as mentioned above.
- Click on the “EPFO ASO Result 2019” link on the home page.
- Enter the credentials to log in.
- You will get redirected to a PDF file.
- Check and download the result.
- Take a print of the result for future reference.
The direct link to download EPFO ASO result is here, EPFO ASO Result 2019 – Direct Link.
Cut Off for EPFO ASO 2019:
- EPFO set a minimum qualifying mark in each of the five sections.
- The minimum qualifying marks for UR and EWS are 24, 16, 16, 24, 12, 92 respectively.
- Whereas for SC, ST, OBC, PWBD, the minimum qualifying marks for the same sections are 21, 14, 14, 21, 10.5, 80.5.
Out of the 240 provisionally selected candidates, 99 are from unreserved category 23 are EWS, 64 are OBC, 18 are ST, and 36 are SC. Candidates selected will given a salary of Rs. 44,900 per month.
Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for EPFO Assistant Recruitment 2019
Also read, EPFO Assistant Marks & Scorecard 2019.