Join the discussion on RaiseToPi – India’s one & only unique platform that prepares students to take charge of their success. Whether it is profile building for admissions in good colleges, or creating a portfolio for job interviews & placements or learning entrepreneurship skills or creating social change. ensures students are able to create a success story that stands out.
Can it get any easier to take charge of success and stand out? Ft. RaiseToPi
You may be planning to apply to a competitive business school or other higher education institution. Or you may be going after that dream opportunity in an admired company. Or maybe all this is some way off and you are planning to study abroad for your undergraduate degree.
No matter your context, you are looking to stand out. And this can seem challenging when many of your peers have similar academic and/ or professional achievements. In such cases, it usually comes down to what you say about your purpose (“why this degree?”, “why this company?”, “why this sector?”, etc.), and whether you can show any work you have already done towards your purpose.
RaiseToPi Ownternships make it possible and make it easier for anyone to get the real-world experience they need to achieve their admission and/ or job goals. An Ownternship is an opportunity to work on a live project and showcase it to influential leaders and thinkers to get further job opportunities, funding, recommendations, etc. For this, we will help you identify an exciting project, develop it and engage industry and academic experts with it. With this experience and backing, standing out to hiring managers at corporates or to admissions officers at dream schools is within anyone’s reach!
No longer do you have to worry that you will not do well in interviews, do not have a strong statement of purpose, or have convincing recommendations. It is no longer hard to overcome the challenges of not attending a top institution (when applying to higher education schools) or not working at a famous corporate (when applying to MBA schools). Your Ownternship will put you in charge of your dream.
To get started with this unique program pioneered for the first time in the world, reach out to us at or via whatsapp at +919900607159.
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