In a year full of uncertainties where everything was more or less affected on a large scale, the education sector crawled its way through all the difficulties. Students were stuck in their house chairs, and college doors were shut. The classrooms were brought down from all the commotion to empty chairs and tables, but education continued. Though not physically, everyone continued to learn plenty of new things which they otherwise wouldn’t have. Exams continued, classes continued, and hence nothing was stopping us from gaining the education we deserved.
Amidst the uncertain times, some students preparing for centralised exams had their topsy-turvy ride. With some exams getting postponed innumerable times and some getting cancelled, the students were in an utter state of dilemma when it came to preparing for the exams. Keeping your mental state healthy enough to deal with the uncertainties was one of the significant struggles faced by students.
MAH CET MBA is held for admission to premier management schools in Maharashtra, such as JBIMS, SIMSREE, NLDalmia, KJ Somaiya, and others. MAH CET attracts almost 50,000 candidates. every year, making it one of the most sought after MBA entrance exams in Maharashtra. Thus, MAH CET preparation should be well planned and well-executed. The MAH CET 2021 has been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic second wave. However, the exam is scheduled to be conducted on 21/22 August 2201, so candidates must continue with their exam preparation. As the exam dates are just a few days away, it’s time for candidates to get indulged in the MHT CET preparation. 70 per cent of the preparation happens weeks before the exam date. This is why many experts emphasised adequate last-minute preparation.
One major factor determining adequate last-minute preparation is knowing where to use your mental resources most effectively. The practice heavily depends upon the paper pattern. A cricketer determines his approach to batting based on pitch conditions. Similarly, we define our approach towards preparation based on how the questions are going to be asked.
- The MAH CET exam pattern is similar to other MBA entrance exams. It is conducted online, and the question paper contains 200 MCQs that must be solved in 150 minutes.
- MAH CET has no sectional time limit.
- For each correct answer, one mark is awarded, and no mark is deducted for a wrong answer.
The different sections in the exam are as follows-
- Logical reasoning – 75 questions
- Abstract reasoning – 25 questions
- Quantitative Aptitude – 50 questions
- Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension – 50 questions
- Sectional cut off is essential in MAH CET, thus focus on overall preparation. Don’t ignore one section for the other. At the same time, Logical Reasoning and Abstract Reasoning are all about practising different kinds of sets and puzzles. Quantitative Aptitude and verbal ability are more concept-based.
The first step towards MHT CET Preparation is to understand the MHT CET Syllabus completely. As per the latest MHT CET Syllabus, the questions will be application-based.
- Pay Attention to the Important Sectors-certain sectors have more weightage as opposed to others.
Following are the sectors and the way to go around them-
- This portion of the MAH CET is worth a maximum of 75 points. Series, Input & Output, Directions, Linear and Circular Arrangements, Symbol based Series Completion, Directions, Conditional Coding, Selection Criteria, Venn Diagrams, Deductions, and Coding-Decoding are among the questions.
Our Advice: The most efficient strategy to improve your logical thinking skills is to practise 15-20 questions every day.
- Abstract Reasoning: This component of the MAH CET is worth 25 points, and the questions cover the same topics as the Logical Reasoning exam, but with a conceptual background.
Our Advice: The approach to this section should be with the maximum practice of various questions and finding out shortcuts in that process.
- Geometry, Mensuration, Algebra, Numbers, Ratio-Proportion, Percentage, Numbers, SI & CI, Time-Distance, Height & Distance, Indices & Surds, Logarithms, Permutations & Combinations, Probability, Time & Work, Profit-Loss, and Data Interpretation are covered in this section of the MAH CET.
Our Advice: This section is simple to complete if you understand your mathematics fundamentals. Return to the fundamentals, revisit every formula and practise sample questions. Because this subject is focused on calculations, the trick is to time yourself when practising fake tests. To keep a firm hold on this section, practise sectional mocks.
- This section of the MAH CET paper includes questions on English Grammar, Vocabulary, Verbal Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension. This section is 50 marks.
Our Advice:
- Continue reading newspapers, magazines, or online blogs.
- When you have time or are in travel, review the grammar and word usage standards. You may look it up in an online dictionary.
- Practice sample questions to ensure you pass the Reading Comprehension part in the shortest amount of time.
Some tips to Ace the Logical and Abstract Reasoning section
- In the MAH CET exam, keep a straightforward approach. Read the questions carefully. Break down the question into parts to know what the actual question is. The clue to the correct answer is usually in the question only.
- You can use the method of elimination in this section. Since this section is all about using your interpretive and intuitive skills, start by rejecting the impossible options until you arrive at the right option or the one closest to the answer.
- In abstract reasoning questions, you can also visualise the problem or draw a pattern, grid or image to help you solve the problem.
- Even though there is no negative marking in MAH MBA CET, don’t spend too much time on a question. The exam often has some tricky questions.
- In the MAH CET 2021 exam, aim to solve about 65-70 questions from this section. If you manage to solve that many with accuracy, you can rest assured of a good score.
Some Tips to Ace the Quantitative Aptitude Section –
- While making a MAH CET 2021 preparation plan, make sure the daily timetable includes revising mathematical formulas and theorems.
- Candidates who did not learn mathematics at 10+2 level/graduation need first to get conceptual clarity. The best source for this is the NCERT Mathematics books for Class 9 and 10. Once the fundamental concepts of Algebra, Geometry and Mensuration are precise, they can move to MAH CET preparation books for Quantitative Aptitude.
- Only theoretical or conceptual understanding of the topics is not enough to score high in this section. You need to master the application of the formulae as well.
- Develop the ability to mentally calculate to save time during the MAH CET 2021 exam. Memorise tables up to 20, squares and square roots up to 100, cubes, cube roots, etc., for quick calculation.
- Solve several series of sample questions on Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency. This way, you will have good practice understanding different types of tables, charts, and graphs at a glance.
- Build on your weak links: It is crucial to understand that every question is a scoring opportunity when it comes to competitive exams. Leaving certain subjects as weak links is not very advisable. Every question provides you with the same number of marks. Building on your vulnerable topics is one of the significant priorities which might give you more substantial scoring opportunities.
- Take Mock Tests and Analyse your performance
After this much time invested in your exam preparation, you should ensure that you are putting yourself through proper tests. Solving mock test papers would give you an understanding of how to go about your time allocation while going through the exams and give you an appropriate experience of your weak and strong points.
Mock tests practise exams that students take before the final exam to gauge their level of preparedness. Solving a significant number of MHT CET practise questions of increasing difficulty will help you prepare for the worst. This will allow you to maximise your score on the actual exam. Clear up any confusion and answer any questions that you missed in the previous mock tests. You can analyse your performance, time management, and weak points or subjects by taking the mock test. Find your weak points and work on them—practice, practise, practice. There is no quick fix for MHT CET preparation.
The Last Dance-Preparation tips for the last month
In the last month of MAH CET preparation, preparation moved to a more focussed way of practice. This is the time to start the revision of important topics to know your preparation level. Make a list of topics that are still your pain points. Start with the one that is comparatively less tough than others and move to reach the toughest one. We have listed below some tips for the final leg of MAH CET exam preparation. Revise essential concepts and theorems & solve sample questions and analyse the performance. Make notes during revision.
PagalGuy Wishes You the Best of Luck!
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