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Woxsen Leadership Series: ” Leadership- The Dynamic catalyst for growth”

Alyque Padamsee, the Ad God, theater doyen, change maker and
an actor known for his role as Mohammed Ali Jinnah in Sir Richard
Attenborough’s film ‘Gandhi’ was invited to
address the students on campus as part of the ongoing Woxsen Leadership Series
on 18th December, 2015. He spoke on the topic “Leadership- The Dynamic catalyst for growth”.

The Woxsen leadership series is an initiative by Woxsen to
invite industry leaders and leaders from other walks of life to expose students
to the latest thoughts in management practice and leadership. The first speaker
at the series was Mark Inglis, the first and only double amputee to summit
Mount Everest.

Known as the Brand Father of
Indian advertising, Padamsee built over 100 brands. He is the only Indian to be
voted into the International Clio Hall of Fame, the Oscars of World Advertising.
His best selling autobiography “A Double Life” is considered as essential
reading material in various business schools

During his tenure as CEO- Lintas, he ensured that it grew
into being one of the top agencies in the country. While at Lintas,
Padamsee created some advertising landmarks (apart from Liril) like ‘Lalitaji’
of Surf, Cherry Blossom’s Chaplin, MRF’s muscleman, etc. He also served as Communications
Advisor to the then Chief Minister of the erstwhile state of AP Chandrababu

The next talk of the Woxsen Leadership Series is scheduled
for Feb 12th, 2016 and Woxsen would like you to be a part of it. The
tentative speaker list for this talk is given below:

1. Mr Charu Sharma (Commentator and

2. Mr
TK Arun (Editor- Economic Times)

3. Ms
Arundhati Bhattacharya (Chairperson-SBI)

4. Ms
Anusha Motwani (Max Life)

5. Mr
Pranay Chulet – Founder Quikr.

Please click on the link below
to register for the next talk. Ask questions, seek answers and learn to
explore. Come and listen to great achievers from diverse fields. Come, live the
Woxsen Experience.

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