Everybody wants to be in a reputed college and finish their masters, and if you are already looking at this list, it means that your dream is to study business administration, or simply that you want to make a lot of money (which is not actually bad as a dream, come on, nobody is judging). You might have finished giving your Common Aptitude Test or the CAT and you are eager to shortlist the colleges of your choice, and the city of your preference is Bangalore, for quite a few reasons.
It might be because the city has the largest conglomerates of Multinational Companies, whatever your reasons are, you are obviously in search of reputed colleges in Bangalore, and hence, thank us, and this list for it might just be guiding you for a step which would be a milestone in deciding your future.
Before we jump off to the list, we must clarify the fact that comparing all the colleges in Bangalore who offer MBA or a PGDM degree is extremely strenuous since there are more than hundred institutions in Bangalore alone which is either affiliated to the University of Bangalore or the Vellore Technical University, more than fifty colleges are affiliated under the AICTE or the All India Council of Technical Education and it can get extremely difficult to compare each of them, but we have come up with quite a few institutions, and to be clear, they have NOT paid us to write about them, so, here are the colleges.
Top MBA/PGDM colleges in Bangalore:
1. IIM Bangalore: IIM Bangalore is the second best management and business school in India after IIM Ahmedabad and is in the chain of the best management schools in India. This is a public institution and this institute is of national importance. The college mainly offers degrees in post graduation like a PGDM, executive training programmes and doctoral degrees.
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2. XIME Bangalore: Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship is one of the best institutions when it comes to business management. This XIME Bangalore campus is completely residential having all facilities for students during the course. This college has pioneered the BRICS business Schools.
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3. Symbiosis, Bangalore: established as one of the premier institutions of the Symbiosis group, this institution is a part of the Symbiosis International University and is SIBM or Symbiosis Institute of Business Management’s second campus.
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4. IFIM Business School: this business school is viewed as one of the highly prestigious B-schools and it was formed in the year 1995. This college is located in Bangalore, Karnataka and it has got recognition from AICTE and has been accredited by AACSB. Students can get a couple of full-time programmes from this college and they are namely, BBA and PGDM besides 3 executive education programmes. Additionally, they can get Management Development Programme too. Being the sixth business school, IFIM is working non-stop to groom students that are important for them to adapt to the corporate surrounding.
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5. Welingkar Bangalore (WeSchool): when you join WeSchool, you get a chance to get connected to the faculty members who are unparalleled regarding their industry experience, academic credentials, and of course, expertise. This college offers a huge range of highly careful curated programmes that are crafted with innovative thinking.
6. ISME: ISME stands apart from its competitors as it aims to empower its students with various work-integrated and professional skills that will make them thoroughly prepared for forming their entrepreneurial ventures or job ready. ISME also takes pride in the fact that it hosts well-known international faculty from all across the globe for teaching students.
7. ISBR: ISBR provides its students with abundant opportunities for growing, achieving, and learning and so, life at this college is a combination of academics, leisure, and extra-curricular activities. It also has sturdy strong clubs as well as cell activities that propose students a chance to pursue their hobbies.
8. IBA: IBA, Bengaluru has turned into one of the reputed MBA colleges and one amongst the fifty-six out of above five thousand colleges in India that have received an International Certification and so, it has successfully carved a place for itself through the philosophy that it inherits to its students.
9. AIMS: this college was established in the year 1996 and has been certified as the finest Management colleges and it is also a world-class solution for full Management courses that range from certificate level to Masters’ level. This college proposes a grade syllabus that concentrates more on practical skills compared to theoretical concepts and it integrates both Personal Development Education and Management. Additionally, its off-site training happens at only the renowned five-star hotels in India as well as abroad. For getting admission to this college, candidates are required to visit the AIMS Institutes’ online portal where they can register themselves for the programs grounded on their marks.
10. Christ University: this is a deemed to be university in the city of Bangalore which was founded as an autonomous institution.
11. St. Joseph’s Institute of Management: this is a graduate school which is private and offers degrees in full-time management PGDM programmes and executive programmes spread over the course of two years.