The familiar smell of the air, which once used to reside in your breath. The familiar road, the known faces of shopkeepers, the same old paint on the outside walls of the building.

But still, it all appears to be different, when you remember the people who used to walk on that road with you and who used to sit near those shops with you, used to criticize that old paint, used to breathe the same air as you.

Entering from the main gate, you notice, that the guards have changed, similar uniforms though, the receptionist has been changed, similar reception though, the environment has been changed, similar place though. You tend to search not anyone else, but you, in the midst of the crowd, which completely ignores your presence.

Heavy-hearted, you move towards the classrooms, where you were ‘supposedly’ were taught the lessons of life. You smile, because the chairs are same, placed one after the other, and there it is, your favorite one, third chair from left, in the second last row.

But then, a tear drops from your eye, when you realize the reality, that neither the chair, nor the class belongs to you. And more than that, those people who were there are no longer a part of your life, but you still miss them, in that unexplainable moment. Walking out of the classroom, you look back, to stare at the chair, your chair, once more, and bid it a bye.

Reaching the canteen, you sit at the corner table, with a strange feeling, that no one is going to join you today; no one is going to beat the table and sing an old song with you, not even your “used-to-be” best friend or girlfriend. Helpless, you’ve to finish this lunch alone, and pay the entire bill yourself, which once used to be divided equally among your group.

Gathering all emotions, you enter into your favorite teacher’s cabin, assuming that you’d surprise him with your presence, for the first time ever. The way he greets you, with his wonderful smile, means a lot to you. You don’t even know, from where to start, what all things to ask, what all feelings to display, and you stay silent, which never had happened in years. The small meeting ends up quickly and you’re walking towards the exit.

While it used to be the best time, when you used to exit from the college, everyday for years, but surprisingly it is not the case now. The myriad of emotions, which have captured your heart, you feel nostalgic, in that one dreary moment of silence.

You wish, you’d have lived more of those years, with those classes, teachers, friends, entry-exit gates, that one crowded road, that one old building of bricks, people call college.

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