The accreditation of AMBA has got awarded to the ISB (Indian School of Business) as well as EM Strasbourg. ISB has got campuses in both Mohali and Hyderabad. Based on AMBA, the 100th triple-accredited B-school of the world is meant that it has got accreditation from EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA and these are the 3 chief international B-school accreditation organizations.
However, for getting the novice accreditation, ISB did join IIM Calcutta as it is another triple-accredited B-school of India.
Students can do a PGP (Post-Graduate Prog. in Mgmt) from ISB and it is somewhat similar to doing an MBA besides a Post-Graduate Prog. in Mgmt.
This course particularly caters to Senior Executives and it is hugely similar in substance and form to the Executive MBAs. Additionally, the accreditation of AMBA has got awarded to EM Strasbourg of France too that doesn’t propose an MBA.
So, when a B-school wishes to attain AMBA accreditation, it has to undergo a strict process of assessment.
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Source: Find MBA