Hi there. In the last 10 years of PaGaLGuY.com’s existence, we have learned one thing for sure: there is more to MBA applicants than entrance exams.

Throughout hundreds of forum threads on books, movies, politics, photography, finance, music or sports, the people of PaGaLGuY have shown that they are a thinking and debating lot and actively nurture opinions on all that matters.

PaGaLGuY Channels is a platform where you can write and publish your opinions and ideas on all these subjects and more in a manner that is better articulated, more focused and better presented than the traditional forum-thread-post format.

On PaGaLGuY Channels, you can turn authors and write 1,000-word articles expressing your views or ideas on a wide variety of subjects distributed across article Channels. Once you write your article, you can publish it yourself and engage with your audience without any interference from an editor. If your article is interesting enough, readers will keep bumping it up to reach an even wider audience on PaGaLGuY.

Here are the top advantages of writing on PaGaLGuY Channels,

1. Getting an instant audience – Unlike blogging, you do not have to hunt for readers for your post. Publishing an article on Channels makes it immediately available to people in the PaGaLGuY network, and to those with whom they share the article forward. Being a published writer has never been easier.

2. Engaging with other writers – PaGaLGuY Channels is a community of writers with different views, but the common goal of voicing their opinion on current issues across a wide variety of topics in well-articulated 1,000 words. Not only can you collaboratively learn to be better writers, you can gain from the sparks created by the colliding of ideas and viewpoints.

3. Being a productive writer – Channels’ 1,000-word upper limit ensures that you toy with just the right size of ideas to fit into a 1,000-word article and finish faster. Using a number of experiments on articles around the web, we found that even the best writers often lose audience because of articles that are too long for the thought they aim to convey. On the other hand, if you wish to express a larger thought into a Channels article, the 1,000-word limit encourages you to split your idea into smaller thoughts and write an article on each.

We have added a few articles to each Channel as references to get you started. We will keep adding newer Channels as we move along, covering a wider gamut of subjects and current news issues. If there is a particular Channel that you would like added now, please let us know about it in the comments to this article.

Channels is meant for everyone, and you need not be a journalist anymore to be published on a widely-read platform. As long as you have the opinion, we will give you the voice. So begin today by clicking on the ‘Write an Article’ button.

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