“How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face.”
~ William Butler Yeats

My thoughts meander around the words of my favourite poet, and it saddens me to see how youngsters tend to fall in love without even understanding what it actually is. 

Can somebody be happy in love without even knowing what it means? I suppose the answer is not in affirmative. When two people meet, say, in a train, or in a flight and instantly declare that they are in love, it’s almost analogous to two magnets getting attracted to each other without even knowing “why.” Strangely people are finding stupid ways, like Tinder, to kick start a new relationship these days. Those who fall instantly in love will fall out of love soon. Such relationships are obviously short-lived.

Love is essentially a connection between two people’s souls, and it can arise if the goal of those two is to live in the truth. This love isn’t momentary but lives on forever. True love doesn’t seek attention, but, in fact, awakens the other person and tries to bring him or her closer to the truth. In doing so, a true lover not only gets closer to the truth but also loves whereas the fake lover, who just wants to attain the other person, goes further away from truth and love, both.
Call me an old-school man, or a die-hard romantic, but I am at a loss in search of love. I want that love which was patient, humble, selfless, immaculate, and real for keepsakes. Now please don’t understand that only if you’re alone and sad, then you make the case for a True Lover. In fact, only a man who is happy in his solitude and his company deserves love. A man can give to somebody else what he already possesses. How can someone give love if he doesn’t have love in the first place? 

So the next time when you fall in love, please, ensure that a person deserves your love only if you feel perfectly alone in his or her company. Loneliness is sacred, and a man who doesn’t need love deserves love.

This article is part of PaGaLGuY’s innovative internship certification programme for engineering students. Currently, two such programmes are on – one is an Internship in Creative Writing, and the other is a Certification in Digital Media. If you are interested in partaking and bagging a certificate, besides learning the nuances of effective writing, write to us at wordslingers@pagalguy.com.

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