The WBJEE exam date for the 2020 assembly has been preponed by 10 weeks. Before, the WBJEE exam date was April 19, 2020, but now it will take place on February 2, 2020. The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board has determined to conduct the examination on the first Sunday of February every year confirmed WBJEE Board chairman, Malayendu Saha. Nevertheless, there is no such information available on the official website of WBJEE.
The plan to conduct the WBJEE Exam ahead of the Higher Secondary Examinations had been assigned to the state education minister Partha Chatterjee for consent.
The reason to advance the examination date is to register the number of candidates in the engineering colleges of the state. As per records of 2019, 18,000 seats out of 32,000 engineering seats remained devoid. Also, some of the university professors have made a suggestion for conducting the exam in February-March and announcing the result in April-May.
West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board administers WBJEE each year to select the candidates for admission to the various BTech programs. Also, the WBJEE application form issues online and for this year it may issue in the last week of December 2019.
Additionally, candidates shall also get to know about the WBJEE dates after the release of the official notification. In accordance to fill the form, a candidate must meet the WBJEE eligibility criteria such as age limit, educational qualification, nationality, etc.
WBJEE result will also publish ahead of the Higher Secondary Examinations result and candidates who will pass the exam with the minimal required percentage would apply for admission. The result will release online at wbjeeb.nic.in and can be verified using the details such as application number and password.