BIM embarked upon an exploratory journey called Village Immersion Program (VIP) from the year 2018. This process adds enormous value to our students from the practical point of view and first hand immersion experience.
VIP is a unique project taken by the institution to provide an opportunity to the first-year students at the inception of their course to go beyond classroom learning and learn the crux of management while working on a live project to improve the livelihood of villages through value addition of locally produced products.
VIP is a unique proposition the benefits for which is many folds, the program is a well-planned initiative taken by the BIM institute and faculty with the involvement of PGP first-year students. Students are grouped into various teams and under the guidance of the faculties, visit villages to identify farmers who would benefit from the outcome of the program. Under this program, 120 students, guided by 6 faculties visit 14 agriculture-dependent villages across Tamil Nadu.
The team of students take a base-line survey to understand the socio-economic condition of people, collect details on the current livelihood and develop a business model to create an alternate income source for beneficiaries in these villages. The teams identified 100+ beneficiaries who are at the bottom of the pyramid in 11 districts.
On detailed analysis, an enterprise plan for sustainable and inclusive development was constructed and submitted to local governing bodies with the aim of rural transformation in the villages.
Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for BIM, Trichy | MBA Admissions 2021 – 23