As you may already know, IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) is conducting the online CWE (online Common Written Examination) for recruitment of Specialist Officers, CWE-SPL-IV, in February, 2015. The structure of this exam is as follows:
For the posts of Law Officer- Scale I & Rajbhasha Adhikari Scale I:

For the posts of IT Officer Scale I, Agricultural Field Officer Scale I, HR/ Personnel Officer Scale I & Marketing Officer Scale I:

Each of these tests consists of 50 questions. Thus, the test has 200 questions overall which are to be attempted in 2 hours.
The above tests except the Test of English Language will be available bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi.
There will be penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score.
In this article, we shall look at each of these tests individually. We will try to understand the nature of these tests and will discuss some useful tips for preparation.
The Reasoning Test typically consists of questions based on topics such as Sequences/Series, Coding-decoding, Arrangement, Blood relations, Directions, Data Sufficiency, Syllogisms, Visual Reasoning, etc. The questions are generally straightforward and are not too tricky or difficult. Students need to be able to think coolly and calmly and need to be able to work systematically, using the instructions/information given, in order to do well in this test.
The best preparation for this test is practice. Go through past years’ actual exams and attempt as many practice tests as you can. The more the number of problems you solve in this section, the better prepared you will be for the actual exam.
English Language
This test primarily revolves around the basics of grammar and vocabulary. Typical questions in this test involve sentence completion, paragraph completion, sentence correction, synonyms and antonyms, idioms, spelling and reading comprehension.
In order to prepare for this test, candidates should ensure that they have a good grasp of the basics of grammar. Topics like parts of speech, tenses, modifiers, subject verb agreement, pronouns, etc. should be familiar to them. Similarly, candidates should go through lists of idioms and phrases and lists of commonly used words. Attempting a few past years’ tests will also help candidates in understanding the nature and difficulty level of this test.
Professional Knowledge
This test is worth 75 marks, out of the 200 marks available in the CWE – SPL. Thus, this is the most important test in the CWE – SPL.
This test consists of questions from specific domains/subjects based on the respective posts that a candidate has applied for. Questions in this test are generally based on the subjects that a candidate has studied during graduation. Thus, this is one area where candidates have an opportunity to score very well.
In order to prepare for this test, revise your academics – i.e., your subjects during graduation. Do brush up the basics as well since questions are often quite simple and concept-based in nature.
Quantitative Aptitude
The Quantitative Aptitude test is usually quite simple and does not involve higher maths. Basic Arithmetic, including concepts involving Unitary Method, Time, Speed and Distance, Time and work, Profit and Loss, Ratios, Averages, etc., and Data Interpretation are very important topics for this test.
In order to prepare for this test, go through school level Mathematics text books once again. Ensure that you are very clear with the basic concepts. Apart from this, solve as many problems as you can. This will ensure that you are also able to apply the concepts that you have learned. This will also help you build up your speed as well as accuracy. Past years’ actual exams will also be helpful for preparing for this test.
General Awareness with special reference to banking – for Law Officer and Rajbhasa Adhikari applicants
This test does not involve in-depth study/knowledge of any particular topic. Rather, it tests candidates on their knowledge of current events, events in India and her neighbouring countries, Science, Geography, History, Constitution of India, Polity, etc. Nearly half of this test also consists of questions related to Banking, Finance, Economics, Indian Economy, etc.
In order to prepare for this test, make it a habit to go through at least one good newspaper daily. This will ensure good preparation for the Current Affairs’ questions. Also go through lists of important terms in banking, finance and economics. Further, read at least one good annual GK compendium. These steps will ensure that you are well-prepared for this test.
All the Best for your preparation!