Commenced between 9 am to 12 noon today the first paper, paper-I, essay, of UPSC Civil Services IAS Mains, is one of the seven papers whose marks will be counted for merit. The paper was divided into two sections, A and B and each section had four essay topics. Candidates had to choose one topic from each section and compose an essay on the same in 1000-2000 words. Each essay would then be marked out of 125.
Also, for better understanding, each of these topics was given in Hindi as well as English. Candidates can get more information on the official website, https://upsc.gov.in/.
Immediately starting tomorrow, there shall be two papers each day. Morning session papers will be from 9 am to 12 noon, and the afternoon session exam will be from 2 pm to 5 pm respectively.
Again, the Paper-II of general studies I, Paper III of general studies II will be held tomorrow. Continued the day after, paper IV of general studies III and paper V of general studies IV shall take place.
Later on, the next weekend that is on September 28, paper A Indian language, and paper B English will be carried. On September 29, paper VI optional paper I and paper VII optional paper II will be taken.
Points to remember-
- The exams I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII are of 250 marks each.
- Paper A and paper B are of 300 marks each
- Papers I to VII are counted for merit
- Therefore, sub-total marks in the written test are 1750.
- Those who qualify mains are called for an interview of 275 marks. Thus, the total score on the basis of which candidates are selected is 2025.
- The cut-off marks in the written exam were 774, 732, 719, 719 respectively for general, OBC, SC, ST last time.
- Out of 2025, the respective cut-offs were 982, 938, 912, 912.
During, 2018, when these cut-offs were applicable, the category wise vacancies were severally 414, 209, 128, 61; that is a total of 812 vacancies. This time there are 896 vacancies.