The final result for two major vacancy recruitment will be releasing in the month of January. Candidates appeared in these exams can check their results on the official website of UPPSC once released in the month of January 2020.
Out of these two-recruitment process, one recruitment exam was held six months before and the second recruitment process exam was started three years ago. Total number of posts to be selected in both of these recruitment exams are 3483.
Earlier, the Combined Engineer Examination 2013 started in December 2013. The written examination was conducted on 22 and 23 May 2016. The result was declared after three years of the written examination, on 16th October 2019.
The official website to check UPPSC Result 2019 and get more details on the further process is http://uppsc.up.nic.in/. Candidates can follow the below mentioned steps to download the UPPSC result 2020.
Steps to check UPPSC Result 2020:
- Visit the official website of UPPSC as mentioned in the above paragraph.
- Click on the desired result link on the home page.
- Enter the credentials required to download the result file.
- Check and download the UPPSC result 2020.
Candidates were waiting for the result for so long. Even they demonstrated several times in front of the Commission’s office for the result and sat on hunger strike. The commission did not release the result even after giving the written assurance twice.
The result was not announced even after Dr. Prabhat Kumar became the president. A total of 3710 candidates were successful for 2674 posts in the written examination. Candidates have been interviewed for the posts of JE Mechanical, October-November and JE Agriculture. The interview will be held till 9th January 2020.
The typing test on computer for ARO is proposed to be held on 18 and 19 January 2020. So, it is expected that the result may get released in the last week of January 2020.
Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for UPPSC PCS Recruitment / UPPSC Recruitment 2019
Also read, UPPSC Answer Key 2019 Released for ACF-RFO Prelims Exam.