Amidst the delay in several regional and national-level examinations, students have been eagerly waiting for the latest exam updates and news.
It would be of great importance for the aspirants to know that the National Testing Agency (NTA) is likely to release admit card for several distinct examinations including UGC NET, DU Entrance test, IGNOU OPENMAT, PhD Examination, ICAR AIEEA Examination, etc. among others.
The admit card for entrance examinations are usually released 15 days prior to the final examination schedule. Moreover, the admit card of candidates makes him eligible to sit in the exam for the registered programme or universities.
The admit card consist of necessary details like examination centre, hall number, timings and much more. Therefore, the aspirants must keep a tab on any update regarding the release of their respective admit cards.
In the light of the present health situation in the country, several exams have been rescheduled, postponed or cancelled. However, the NTA has been releasing revised scheduled for the exams lately.
The UGC NET entrance examination is scheduled to be conducted between 16th and 25th September 2020. Similarly, DU Entrance exam and IGNOU OPENMAT MBA test is planned to be conducted between 6th to 11th September and 15th September respectively
. The revised schedule for the test has been mentioned herewith.
S No |
Entrance Examination |
Revised Schedule |
1 | DU Entrance Exam | Between 16th and 25th September 2020 |
2 | IGNOU OPENMAT MBA Test | 15th September 2020 |
3 | UGC NET | 6th to 11th September 2020 |
4 | ICAR AIEEA UG | 7th and 8th September 2002 |
5 | AIPGET | 29th September 2020 |
6 | PG and PhD Examination | To be updated soon |
Candidates appearing for the above-mentioned entrance tests must check the exam updates regularly on their respective official site.
The tests have been scheduled in May and June, but however, the sudden surge of the virus pushed the authorities to postponed them. The National Testing Agency has already issued updates on national-level examinations including JEE Mains and NEET UG exams.
JEE Mains examination is scheduled from 1st to 6th September, whereas NEET-UG exams are scheduled on 13th September 2020.
Several examinations have been cancelled due to the widespread of the coronavirus across the length and breadth of the country. However, with the relaxation on lockdown rules, the exam conducting bodies have been working rigorously to continue the essential academic activities like before.
Therefore, it is expected that examination conducting bodies like NTA will soon be releasing admit cards for the exams.
The aspirants are advised to keep a tab on the official website as the admit card downloading link will be provided there. The students would also be notified on their emails or mobile numbers.
In order to download the admit card, the following steps can be followed.
- The admit card is released on the official website of the examination. A link would be provided to download the hall ticket directly
- The aspirants would be required to submit their personal credentials like login id, and respective passwords for logging into the admit card downloading window.
- Upon submitting the personal details, the admit card would flash on the screen of the aspirant.
- The aspirants are advised to download the admit card from there and further get a print out of it. A minimum of two print outs is advisable.
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