The Mains result of Civil Judge Exam 2019 has been released by the Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC). Candidates appeared in the mains exam can check their results from the official website of UKPSC.
The UKPSC Civil Judge Mains 2019 exam was held from 12th to 14th September 2019. The Computer Operating test for the candidates was held from 15th to 18th September 2019. The selection of the candidates was done on the basis of their performance in the mains exam.
Candidates qualifying in the mains exam will be able to appear for the interview round. The UKPSC Civil Judge Prelims Exam 2019 was held on 26th May 2019 across the state in various exam centres.
The official website to get more details on the UKPSC Civil Judge 2019 exam and download the mains results is www.ukpsc.gov.in . Candidates can download their results from the official website of UKPSC by following below mentioned instructions.
Steps to download UKPSC Civil Judge Mains Result 2019:
- Visit the official website of UKPSC as mentioned above.
- Click on the “28-11-2019 – Result of Uttarakhand Civil Judge (J.D.) Main Exam-2018” link present on the home page of official website.
- You will get redirected to the PDF file of the result.
- Candidates can check their result with roll numbers.
- Check and download the result.
- Take a print of the result for future use.
The Interview for UKPSC Civil Judge Posts is scheduled to be held on 16th and 17th December 2019. This was made confirmed with a notification released by the Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) on the official website.
The obtained marks and cut off marks in Mains exam will be releasing by the commission only after the final result gets declared. This recruitment exam is being held to fulfil the vacancy of Civil Judge through the UKPSC Civil Judge recruitment drive.
Stay focussed to the Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) official website for latest updates and timely information of the exam.
Also read, UKPSC Civil Judge Exam 2019 Answer Key.