The UGC NET Result 2019 has been declared by the National Testing Agency, NTA. Candidates can check the result released on the official website of UGC NET 2019.
A total of 10.5 lakh candidates registered themselves for UGC NET this year out of which 793813 candidates appeared in it. Total number of candidates qualified eligibility for Assistant Professor are 60147 and 5092 candidates have qualified JRF & eligible for Assistant Professor post.
The subject wise cut-off marks have been released by the agency. They have also released the category wise cut off marks for JRF & Assistant Professor and Assistant Professor. The direct link to download the cut-off percentage is available here official site of NTA UGC NET.
The official site to get more important details on the UGC NET 2019 exam and check and download UGC NER Result 2019 is www.ugcnet.nta.nic.in .
Only 6% of those candidates who appear in both the papers and obtained minimum qualifying marks in aggregate for both the papers are declared NET qualified, read the official notice released. The agency will release the candidate’s name soon.
The exam for UGC NET 2019 was held between December 2 to 6, 2019. It was in two shifts per day for 81 subjects. The pattern of the paper were multiple choice type questions.
The examination was conducted in 81 subjects. First shift of the exam was from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and the second shift was conducted from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm.
Candidates wants to check for more related details can visit the official site of UGC NET.
Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for UGC NET Exam Result
Also read, NTA CSIR-UGC NET answer key 2019.