The UGC NET 2019 exam result is being expected to get released soon by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The result is going to get released on 31st December 2019. Candidates applied for this exam can download their admit card from the official website of NTA.
Candidates must keep visiting the UGC NET official website for the latest updates on the result. The declaration of the UGC NET December 2019 result is expected to be released in the last week of December 2019.
The result date released is tentative so it may get released before or after the mentioned date. The UGC NET December 2019 was being held by the NTA from 2nd to 6th December 2019. A total of 1034872 candidates appeared for the examination.
The UGC NET official website to get more details on the UGC NET December 2019 exam and to check UGC NET Result for December 2019 is https://ntanet.nic.in/ .
Steps to check UGC NET December Result 2019:
- Visit the official website of UGC NET.
- Click on the “UGC NET Result for December 2019” on the UGC NET home page.
- Enter the individual credentials required to login into the account.
- Check and download the admit card.
- Take a print of the UGC NET 2019 admit card for future use.
The exam was being held in 700 centres across 219 cities in Computer Based mode.
Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for UGC NET Exam Result
Candidates appeared in UGC NET December 2019 exam are advised to keep visiting the official website of NTA for more updates and timely information on the exam.