Empower your career aspirations with insights into how your B-School can propel you towards substantial professional growth. Discover strategies to elevate your career trajectory significantly.


In today’s fast-paced world, professionals at every career stage face unique challenges related to strategy, business operations, and managing people with diverse expectations and aspirations. While on-the-job learning is often praised as the best way to evolve, it’s crucial to keep skills current in an era where globalisation and corporatisation are rapidly expanding. Possessing well-honed business management skills is a significant asset. The Indian corporate sector, in particular, is thriving with opportunities as more diverse firms choose India as their operational base and local entrepreneurs bring innovative ideas to life. Both startups and established companies are seeking young professionals with a keen understanding of the corporate world and business dealings.

Ambitions are the driving force behind every successful career, inspiring us to dream big, work hard, and push our limits. However, turning these ambitions into reality requires more than just dreaming; it demands a strategic approach, continuous learning, and the right opportunities. This is where a business school (B-School) comes into play. A B-School can be a transformative experience, equipping you with essential skills and knowledge while providing a platform to amplify your career growth by five times or more. In this article, we will explore how your B-School can help you achieve this exponential career growth.

1. Building a Strong Foundation

Comprehensive Curriculum

One of the primary advantages of attending a B-School is the comprehensive curriculum that covers all facets of business management. From finance and marketing to operations and strategy, a B-School education ensures you have a well-rounded understanding of how businesses operate. This foundational knowledge is crucial as it allows you to make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and lead teams effectively.

Practical Learning

B-Schools emphasise practical learning through case studies, simulations, and real-world projects. These experiences bridge the gap between theory and practice, enabling you to apply classroom knowledge to real business challenges. By working on these projects, you develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills that are highly valued in the business world.

The VBS PGDM programmes promise outstanding career prospects and personal growth. Regularly revised by industry professionals and alumni, the curriculum embodies global benchmarks and best practices. Balancing flexibility with rigorous training equips students for sustained success in today’s dynamic business environment. VBS provides specialisation options in Marketing, Business Analytics, HR, Banking & Finance, Operations & Supply Chain Management, and Entrepreneurship.

2. Networking Opportunities

Access to Industry Experts

B-Schools often have strong connections with industry leaders and alumni who are willing to share their insights and experiences. Guest lectures, panel discussions, and networking events provide opportunities to interact with these experts, gaining valuable advice and forging connections that can be beneficial throughout your career.

Peer Learning

Your classmates at B-School come from diverse backgrounds and bring unique perspectives to the table. Collaborative projects and group discussions foster peer learning, where you can learn from each other’s experiences and viewpoints. This collaborative environment not only enhances your learning but also helps you build a professional network that can support your career growth.

VBS’s “Learning by Doing” programme enhances students’ leadership skills by promoting active learning and problem-solving. Khushi Varma’s experience at VBS on how the institute fosters connections with industry leaders and experts, helping students grasp industry needs and developments. The institute’s special emphasises on peer learning, underscoring the importance of teamwork, delegation, and networking.

VBS Student Review-Khushi Verma | Encouraging students growth in the areas of leadership

3. Career Services and Placement Support

Personalised Career Coaching

Most B-Schools offer personalised career coaching services to help you identify your strengths, interests, and career goals. Career coaches provide guidance on resume building, interview preparation, and job search strategies, ensuring you are well-prepared to enter the job market.

Strong Placement Records

Top B-Schools have robust placement records with strong ties to leading companies. The placement cells work tirelessly to bring lucrative job opportunities to students, often leading to higher starting salaries and accelerated career growth. The reputation of the B-School and its alumni network also play a significant role in attracting top employers.

VBS offers students hands-on experience to develop new skills and refine existing ones. The institute provides continuous mentoring and career development services, including CV reviews, interview preparation sessions, and recruiter interactions. These services enhance students’ readiness for the corporate world, ensuring they are industry-ready with practical learning.

4. Skill Development

Leadership and Management Skills

B-Schools place a strong emphasis on developing leadership and management skills. Through courses, workshops, and extracurricular activities, you learn how to lead teams, manage projects, and make strategic decisions. These skills are essential for career advancement, as employers seek individuals who can take on leadership roles and drive organisational success.

Soft Skills

In addition to technical skills, B-Schools also focus on soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and emotional intelligence. These skills are crucial for building relationships, managing conflicts, and navigating the complexities of the workplace. Effective communication and interpersonal skills can significantly enhance your ability to influence others and achieve your career goals.

VBS fosters a great learning environment for students’ overall personal development, combining a practical and in-depth curriculum aligned with industry needs. The VBS campus is also a hub for various clubs and co-curricular activities, providing a platform for students to sharpen their skills and boost their confidence. Experience the vibrant world of Vivekanand Business School with Isha Bhandarkar, a first-year PGDM student, as she guides you through the incredible campus life in the heart of Mumbai.

VBS Campus Life | Beyond Academics, Beyond Expectations | Isha Bhandarkar

5. Global Exposure

International Programmes

Many B-Schools offer international exchange programmes, study tours, and internships that provide global exposure. These experiences help you understand different business cultures, practices, and markets, making you more adaptable and versatile in a globalised economy. International exposure can also open up opportunities for working abroad or with multinational companies.

Diverse Student Body

The diverse student body at B-Schools enriches your learning experience by exposing you to different cultures, perspectives, and ideas. Working with classmates from various countries and backgrounds prepares you to work in diverse teams and navigate cross-cultural interactions effectively.

Vivekanand Business School offers a unique programme to develop future business leaders with a global mindset. Students travel abroad, engage in cross-cultural interactions, and explore local economies. Students get to visit international companies, participate in cultural exchanges, and enjoy interactive learning experiences. The programme aims to enhance students’ global business acumen, preparing them to navigate the complexities of the international business landscape. Guarav Kedari highlights VBS’s dedication to providing global exposure and opportunities for students beyond India, emphasising the institute’s commitment to fostering a global perspective.

The VBS Placement Series- Gaurav Kedari received his dream package 19.75L from Kimchi Ramdas | PGDM

6. Entrepreneurial Support

If you have entrepreneurial ambitions, B-Schools often provide the necessary support through incubators and accelerators. These programmes offer mentorship, funding, and resources to help you turn your business idea into a reality. The entrepreneurial ecosystem at B-Schools fosters innovation and encourages risk-taking, providing a safe environment to experiment and learn.

Entrepreneurship Courses

Courses on entrepreneurship and innovation equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to start and grow a business. You learn about business planning, fundraising, marketing, and scaling operations, which are critical for entrepreneurial success. B-Schools also connect you with successful entrepreneurs and investors who can provide valuable insights and support.

At VBS, the Entrepreneurship programme is specifically designed for students aspiring to lead businesses, manage operations, or start their own ventures. This programme provides essential skills for developing business strategies, securing startup funding, and managing business growth. VBS alumni have become empowered innovators, utilising the extensive entrepreneurship resources within the VBS ecosystem. The Innovation Lab at VBS is a dynamic space that incubates creativity, experimentation, and groundbreaking ideas. It is designed to foster a culture of innovation and drive forward-thinking initiatives, igniting the entrepreneurial spirit within individuals.

7. Lifelong Learning and Alumni Network

Continuing Education

The journey of learning doesn’t end with graduation. Many B-Schools offer continuing education programmes, executive courses, and workshops for alumni to stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in the business world. This commitment to lifelong learning ensures you remain competitive and relevant in your career.

Strong Alumni Network

The alumni network of a B-School is one of its most valuable assets. Alumni networks provide a platform for professional growth, mentorship, and networking. Alumni often return to the B-School to share their experiences, offer job opportunities, and support current students. Being part of a strong alumni network can open doors to new opportunities and career advancements.

The VBS alumni network has grown significantly, with many holding senior roles, including over 10% leading family businesses or startups and 60% thriving in finance, technology, consulting, healthcare, and e-commerce. This vibrant community provides job opportunities, essential support, and lasting connections. Their mentorship enriches educational experiences, cultivating future leaders and reinforcing shared values for long-lasting impact.

8. Personal Growth and Confidence

Challenging Environment

The rigorous academic environment of B-School challenges you to push your limits and step out of your comfort zone. The experience of managing multiple assignments, participating in competitions, and meeting high expectations helps build resilience and confidence. These qualities are essential for overcoming obstacles and achieving long-term career success.

Self-Awareness and Reflection

B-Schools often incorporate elements of self-awareness and reflection into their programmes. Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and values is crucial for personal and professional growth. Reflective practices help you align your career choices with your personal goals and aspirations, leading to a more fulfilling and successful career.

Discover how VBS supports students in enhancing their skills and developing competencies that prepare them to thrive as successful and sustainable business leaders of the future.

The VBS Placement Series | Industry relevant curriculum and distinguished faculties makes us unique

Why Choose VBS as Your B-School for Career Growth, Upskilling, and Comprehensive Personality Development

Choosing Vivekanand Business School (VBS) for your career growth, upskilling, and overall personality development promises a transformative journey. VBS is renowned for its commitment to excellence and innovation in management education, offering a comprehensive and dynamic learning environment that meets the evolving needs of the industry. It is ranked among the top private PGDM institutes in Mumbai by prestigious surveys such as the Times of India B-School Survey and Outlook ICare India’s Best B-School Ranking.

VBS offers a two-year, full-time Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). The programme is equivalent to an MBA degree from an Indian university, as recognised by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU). Additionally, VBS is a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

At VBS, the emphasis on upskilling is evident through its continuously updated curriculum that integrates global best practices and cutting-edge management techniques. The school’s strategic partnerships with leading corporations and global academic institutions provide students with unparalleled opportunities for professional development, networking, and exposure to international business environments. Furthermore, VBS’s commitment to ethical values and social consciousness fosters a holistic approach to education, encouraging students to develop not just as professionals but as responsible and empathetic leaders.

The vibrant campus life at VBS, with its diverse student body and a plethora of extracurricular activities, nurtures overall personality development. The various student committees and social impact initiatives, such as Yuva for Seva and Box of Happiness, cultivate leadership, teamwork, and social responsibility. The school’s supportive environment, coupled with personalised career coaching and a strong alumni network, ensures that students receive the guidance and opportunities needed to achieve their career ambitions. Choosing VBS means embarking on a journey of growth, learning, and transformation, paving the way for a successful and fulfilling career.

Turning ambitions into reality is a journey that requires determination, strategic planning, and the right opportunities. A B-School can play a pivotal role in this journey by providing the education, resources, and support needed to amplify your career growth. From building a strong foundation and developing essential skills to offering networking opportunities and global exposure, B-Schools equip you with the tools to achieve your career goals. The experience of attending a B-School not only accelerates your career growth but also fosters personal development and confidence, preparing you for long-term success in the dynamic business world. Embrace the opportunities that a B-School offers, and watch your career soar to new heights.

VBS is accepting applications for the PGDM Batch 2024-26: APPLY NOW 

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