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Transparency in MBA admissions

B-Schools in India have always been very reluctant in disclosing information about admission process. After the enactment of RTI in 2005, MBA aspirants got the right to access the information from government B-Schools about admission criteria & marks in GD/PI/WAT components but still there is very little awareness about it. Meanwhile some colleges came forward to bring transparency in their admission process but most of them are still rigid. IIMs now declare their criteria well in advance every year, but many reputed B-Schools fail to do so.

How would a candidate know about his area of improvement, if he/she is not provided with the marks of each component (i.e. GD/WAT/PI)? Many candidates with good score in written exams & rejected at the final stage never know about their improvement area & keep repeating the same mistakes again & again. Most of the colleges give around 40-70 % weightage to performance in written exam & the remaining 30-60% weightage to GD/WAT/PI/Profile. With increasing awareness about RTI, large number of RTIs are being filed but we need to keep it up until all colleges come forward to provide the information on their portal without filing RTI. Private colleges like SP Jain & XLRI don’t even disclose the weightage, they give to different components. Once the government colleges start providing this information, private colleges will also follow them.

Therefore I urge all MBA aspirants, who got call from any government college like IIMs/IITs/IIFT/NITIE/FMS/BHU/NITs/UBS to file RTI to know their composite score & score in each component, which are considered by that college.

Here is the procedure to file a RTI:

1) Online (Only for central government colleges, as of now):

a) Go to

b) Click on submit request (or register, If you wish)

c) Select ministry/department (like Department of higher education for IITs/IIMs/NITIE, Department of commerce for IIFT)

d) Fill the details & write your queries

e) Pay RTI fee Rs. 10 through Credit Card/Debit Card/ Internet Banking & submit application

2) Offline:

a) Draft a letter (For sample

b) Get a 10 rupee postal order

c) Put them in a envelope & post it.

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