1. K. J. SOMAIYA Institute of Management (SIMSR), Mumbai
Admissions & Fees:
- SIMSR Admissions team has meticulously followed all the guidelines and protocols defined by UGC for conducting the admissions process
- All the interviews and GD-PI processes were conducted by 15th March 2020, across the country. In case of containment zones (already declared by then), the admissions committee conducted the admission process through Google Meet. No students were left who were unable to attend the process due to the COVID-19 lockdown
- As directed, the Tuition Fees will continue to remain the same. Whereas there will be some fluctuation in the mess fees & charges
- Since SIMSR is a University now, the refund policy will be adhered as per the guidelines enlisted by UGC.
- The campus is in the green zone, so the admissions team are quite positive about returning to the campus soon to resume the working process
- The senior batch, student team, admissions team and the entire staff of SIMSR had relentlessly and tirelessly worked hard to ensure a smooth admission process
- Till last year there used to be a gap of 15 days between declaring the first and the second merit list. This year due to the pandemic situation, the gap has been reduced to 4 days only.
- Hostel confirmation fees to be paid by 31st July 2020
Class Schedule & Online Classes
- For the batch of 2018-2020 classes as well as exams are over and was conducted online completely
- Online exams were conducted for the sixth trimesters through Google Classrooms during the lockdown period
- For 2019-2021 batch are expected to come back to the campus for their regular batches soon to avoid dilution of their process & academic cycle. They already have their online classes and online assignments going on
- For the new batch, the Chancellor and Vice – Chancellor want the aspirants to come physically and experience the campus life. They believe that the kind of experience the classroom learning, peer learning, and camaraderie will bring in, the online mode will miss out on that part. Having said that, all the social distancing norms will be followed, which means staggered classroom timing and meal timings for all the candidates
- Management is yet to decide on the Online Courses. Whenever the final decision is made, the aspirants will be informed.
- Grade sheet and provisional certificates will be provided to 2018-2020 batch
- Convocation for 2018-2020 batch will be conducted in December, just like every year
- The farewell for 2018-2020 batch was conducted on a Zoom Call and SIMSR Radio
2. IFMR Graduate School of Business, (Sricity) Chennai
Admissions & Fees:
IFMR GSB Admissions team has meticulously followed all the guidelines and protocols defined by UGC for conducting the admissions process
All the interviews and GD-PI processes were conducted online for all the candidates across the country. The decision to conduct the complete process online came amidst the lockdown period and also to ensure no students were left out of the process
Since IFMR GSB is a part of Krea University now, the refund policy will be adhered to as per the guidelines enlisted by UGC. The refund policy may be updated as and when required, given the COVID-19 situation.
The campus is in the green zone, so the admissions team are quite positive about returning to the campus soon to resume the working process
The senior batch, student team, admissions team and the entire staff of IFMR GSB has relentlessly and tirelessly worked hard to ensure a smooth admission process
The final payment date for the first installment will be by 5th June 2020.
18th May was the last day to submit ADF (Admission Deposit Fee) of INR 27,500 and WDF (Waitlist Deposit Fee) of INR 15,000
Class Schedule & Online Classes:
For the batch of 2018-2020, classes as well as exams are over and were completely conducted online Online exams were conducted for the sixth trimesters through different multimedia channels like Zoom, Webex, Skype, and Google Classrooms during the lockdown period
The 2019-2021 batch and the upcoming 2020-22 batch are expected to continue with their classes online, that will resume by 1st July 2020
Management has given the faculty the liberty to choose the mode of teaching and platform they wish to adopt.
There have been exclusive student interaction sessions that were conducted for the new batch
Convocation has been delayed until further notice.
After evaluating the new developments in the situation, the management might take the call and inform the students accordingly.
Internships & Placement:
- About 95% of the batch was placed before the lockdown began.
- Currently, 183 students are placed out of the 185 in the batch. The placement team is confident that the remaining 2 students will get placed very soon.
- The highest package is INR 13,60,000 and the average package is INR 9,37,000
3. T.A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI), Manipal
Admissions & Fees:
- TAPMI Admissions team has diligently followed all the protocols defined by AICTE for conducting the admissions process
- All the interviews and GD-PI processes were conducted successfully.
- TAPMI had used “e-initiation” mode for conducting the Admissions process smoothly
- This was to ensure the smooth running of the admissions process without hampering the student experience
- The refund policy is as per the AICTE guidelines. Initiatives will be taken by the institute for a seamless experience
- The senior batch, student team, admissions team and the entire staff of TAPMI had relentlessly and tirelessly worked hard to ensure a smooth admission process
- The extended date for collection of fees will be 7th June 2020
- The withdrawal deadline will be 25th July 2020.
Class Schedule & Online Classes:
- For the batch of 2018-2020 classes as well as exams are over and was conducted online completely
- Augmented classroom sessions with Coursera have been deployed.
- Coursera course licenses have been procured and assigned to students for customizing their courses and learning suggested by TAPMI Faculty
- Courses for Analytics, Marketing Analytics, Content Analytics, Python are few to be mentioned
- Online classes to be conducted for all the students on campus through different multimedia channels like Webex, and CISCO systems have been installed. These are for the online classes which shall begin after the lockdown period from 6th July 2020
- The management has decided to conduct smaller batch size classes for online mode as well so that learning and student experience is not hampered at any scale
- Offline classes expected to begin in September or October depending on the government’s decision
- They are also evaluating partners for conducting, monitoring and proctoring the online exam conduct
- They are also considering the option of partnering with Amazon to deliver textbooks & reading materials through Amazon Kindle
- Convocation has been delayed until further notice.
- After evaluating the improvisation of the situation, the management might take the call and inform the students accordingly.
Internships & Placement:
- The entire batch got placed on 14th February 2020 with an average package of INR 11,50,000
- These candidates were expected to be on-boarded anywhere between 1st April 2020 to 1st June 2020
- Due to the pandemic situation, 13 offers have been revoked so far
- Out of the 13 revoked offers, 4 have been offered again with the help of TAPMI Alumni network
- Additional 150 offers have their joining deferred to later months
- Depending on the situation they will be on-boarded anywhere between September 2020 to January 2021. If the situation improvises in certain areas, the companies might on-board them early
- TAPMI has ensured that all the students whose offers have been deferred or revoked, they can start their online training and improve their skill sets using Coursera. TAPMI will bear the cost for these training sessions and certifications
- With regards to the internship, 100 offers have been revoked so far. Many companies are yet to start their internship projects. Majority of them have been assigned Work From Home Internship opportunities
- The Director of TAPMI, Prof Madhu Veeraraghavan has been addressing the entire batch every 15 days to motivate the students and also to listen and share their experiences during the pandemic season
- The placement team is engaging their recruiters through a Ignite Web Series where 100+ recruiters are interacting with the students since the lockdown period has started. This is allowing the TAPMI students to have a great industry exposure
- It is anticipated that there will be a lot of demand for the Sales Job Profiles opening across the industry once the pandemic situation gets under control. More Sales jobs would be preferred over the support function or operations roles irrespective of the industry.
- TAPMI anticipates large requirements of professionals in the insurance domain and digitization of Indian firms.
4. Institute of Management Technology (IMT), Hyderabad
Admissions & Fees:
- IMT Hyderabad Admissions team has diligently followed all the protocols defined by AICTE for conducting the admissions process
- All the interviews and GD-PI processes were conducted successfully and the first list was released on 17th March 2020
- The deadline for fee submission was initially declared to be on 4th April which later got extended to 20th April, 11th May and now 26th May 2020.
- New dates will be released only after the Lockdown 4.0 gets eased
- The admissions are still open as per the AICTE so that no aspirants are deprived of the opportunity. The online interviews are being conducted for now.
- The refund policy is as per the AICTE guidelines. The revised policy has been updated on the official website
- The senior batch, student team, admissions team and the entire staff of IMT Hyderabad had relentlessly and tirelessly worked hard to ensure a smooth admission process
- The tuition fees has been revised from INR 14,00,000 to INR 12,00,000 this year as per AICTE guidelines. This tuition fee includes the hostel accommodation for single occupancy and mess charges for 2 years.
Class Schedule & Online Classes:
- For the batch of 2018-2020 classes as well as exams are over and was conducted online completely
- The online classes for the second year will commence from 1st July as per the AICTE norms.
- Offline classes expected to begin in September or October depending on the government’s decision
- For the new batch, initial modules will be delivered online as per the AICTE guidelines.
- Convocation has been delayed until further notice.
- After evaluating the improvisation of the situation, the management might take the call and inform the students accordingly.
- The marksheets and grades have been handed over to the second year students, since some of the companies need the grade sheets and marksheets for on-boarding the placed candidates.
Internships & Placement:
- Majority of the students are working from home for their internship projects. Some of the internships were revoked, and they are working with faculty on a project / research based project work.
- Some of the students are expected to work for 14 weeks of their internship whereas, for some of them the period has been revised to 10- 12 weeks. This is then aided by the mix and match approach of internship as well as the project work with the faculty to enhance their learning.
- 90% of the projects are on-going for now.
- Out of 237, 51 are working with faculty and taking up additional project work for their internship
- With regard to placements, none of the offers have been revoked.
- Some of the candidates have been on-boarded by their respective companies, whereas some of them have their offers active and their joining has been delayed
- Before the lockdown commenced, 93% of the batch was placed. The remaining batch are yet to either complete their final rounds of interviews or their HR & Documentation process are pending
- Highest Package has been offered by Amazon with INR 16,00,000 and the average package of the batch is INR 7,62,000
5. Foundation for Organizational Research and Education (FORE) Delhi
Admissions & Fees:
- FORE Admissions team has diligently followed all the protocols defined by AICTE for conducting the admissions process
- All the interviews and GD-PI processes were conducted successfully and the selection process was completed by 13th March 2020
- On 11th April 2020, the first list was released and the deadline to pay their first installment was announced on 21st April 2020. The dates have been extended now as per the norms mentioned by AICTE
- The last date for admission will be 31st July 2020 and the last day for withdrawal will be 25th July 2020
- The refund policy is as per the AICTE guidelines. The revised policy has been updated on the official website
- The senior batch, student team, admissions team and the entire staff of FORE had relentlessly and tirelessly worked hard to ensure a smooth admission process
- The tuition fees have been reduced by INR1,00,000 this year to adhere to the guidelines mentioned by AICTE due to the pandemic situation.
Class Schedule & Online Classes:
- For the batch of 2018-2020 classes as well as exams are over and was conducted online completely using Webex and Google Meet
- The online classes for the second year will commence from 1st July as per the AICTE norms.
- Offline classes expected to begin in September or October depending on the government’s decision
- For the new batch, initial modules will be delivered online as per the AICTE guidelines.
- Convocation has been delayed until further notice.
- After evaluating the improvisation of the situation, the management might take the call and inform the students accordingly.
- The marksheets and grades have been handed over to the second year students, since some of the companies need the grade sheets and marksheets for on-boarding the placed candidates.
Internships & Placement:
- FORE students are making the best use of the situation by doing Virtual SIPs
- Virtual SIPs projects include functional areas like HR, Strategy, Marketing, Economics & Policy, Finance, HR, Operations, and IT.
- Inspecting the paradigm shift in the buying pattern and behaviour of personal hygiene products during COVID 19 pandemic
- Working of credit rating agencies and the effect of COVID-19
- The impact of COVID-19 on Indian Restaurant Business
- Use of Digital Platforms by Organizations for Social Marketing during COVID-19
- Forecasting the spread of COVID 19 using machine learning algorithms
- Effect of culture on leadership styles of select world leaders during the 1st quarter of COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
- FORE School of Management, New Delhi is encouraging students to pick up topics around the COVID-19 pandemic so that both our understanding of its impact and mitigation strategies is improved. The B-School has also developed guidelines for rewarding students who come up with publishable quality Virtual SIP work. These students will receive a cash prize of INR 5,000 and a citation. Around 25 such awards are planned in total across the PGDM batches and will be distributed across functional areas. The primary criteria for evaluation are the publishability of the SIP work and selection of the cases for award will not be limited only to COVID-19 related SIPs but till extend to all Virtual SIPs.
- This is yet another initiative by FORE School of Management, New Delhi and its students in furthering learning.
- With regard to placements, 353 students have been placed out of 360 batch size. The remaining students have either dropped out of the placement process or joining their family businesses. None of the offers have been revoked. Most of the joining has been scheduled for June or July 2020.
- Highest Package has been INR 30,00,000 and the average package of the batch is INR 10,40,000
6. National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM), Pune
Admissions and Fees
- NIBM is working tirelessly to bring out their first list of shortlisted candidates. And the first shortlist is expected to come out by Friday or by next week
- They have obtained CMAT scores, and will receive CAT scores on 19th May 2020
- Interview (video conferencing) to be conducted starting the beginning of the fourth week of May
- Due to the pandemic situation, they are not sure when to start the classes for 2020-2022 batch as most of the aspirants are still not done with their final graduation exams
- The institute plans to start its regular classes from September 2020 as per AICTE norms.
- There is no increase in fees
- Owing to the fact that this year convocation will be delayed, the grade sheets and provisional certificates will be provided to the 2018-2020 batch so that they don’t have to face any problem.
- Convocation for 2018-2020 batch will be conducted afterwards with prior permission from the government
Internships & Placements
- None of the internships offered by the 2019-2021 batch were revoked.
- Internship for 2019-2021 batch has been delayed. Probable internship is to be held between November 2020 – January 2021
- None of the Final placement offers for 2018-2020 batch is revoked. Highest package offered is 22 Lakhs
- Most of the students are waiting for joining dates from their respective companies
Class Schedule, Online Classes, Examination
- For batch of 2018-2020 classes as well as exams are over and was conducted online
- For the 2019-2021 batch, 4th semester classes have started online from 18th May 2020
- Online classes, webinars are being conducted continuously for 2019-2021 batch
- End term exams were conducted online for both the batch
7. International School of Business & Media (ISB&M), Nande (Pune)
Admissions and Fees
- ISB&M Pune has been conducting their GD PI process since April through the telephonic round. They don’t have any waitlist as such. They are conducting interviews for everyone who has applied and meets the eligibility criteria.
- The institute plans to start the online classes for 2020-2022 batch from 8th June- 15th July 2020
- Due to the pandemic situation, there is not much clarity when regular classes can begin. But if the situation gets under control, they will start their regular classes from 30th July for the batch of 2020-2022
- For students outside Maharashtra, classroom sessions are scheduled to begin from 3rd August. But Dates may change according to the new AICTE circular.
- They have not increased their fees and also their number of seats remains the same as compared to the previous year.
- ISB&M hosts its convocation for two batches together. 2015-2017 and 2016-2018 batch convocation was held previously
- For batches 2017-2019 and 2018-2020 convocation is yet to be held
- As of now, they don’t plan to host the convocation due to the current situation. It will be delayed for the safety of the students
Internships & Placements
- Everyone in the batch has secured internships and are currently interning in their respective companies
- Only 1 company revoked the internship offer
- Internship period – May, June, July
- Around 92% of the students of the 2018-2020 batch have secured placements from campus. Many of them have joined their companies between Jan – Feb 2020, some have joined their companies recently through Virtual joining and some will join in June – July
- The Placement cell is working continuously to bring more companies for the batches
Class Schedule, Online Classes, Examination
- Regular classes for 4th sem students have been suspended until further notice.
- The institute is planning to resume regular classes in July if the situation gets under control.
- Online classes in the form of Zoom calls, Webinars are being conducted for both the batches
- End term examinations were conducted online recently for both the batches (2018-2020 and 2019-2021)
*Around 200 students have been offered Admission till now. Students outside Maharashtra are thinking whether to come to Maharashtra or not to pursue their MBA*
8. Institute of Management Studies (IMS), Ghaziabad
Admissions and Fees
- The institute is working tirelessly to conduct its GD-PI sessions smoothly amidst the pandemic. GD-PI sessions are being conducted through video conferencing
- For the upcoming batch of 2020-2022, the institute plans to start their regular classroom sessions from August according to updated AICTE circular
- Once the batch of 2020-2022 joins, the institute plans to provide them, online classes, starting from June/July in the form of webinars, online lectures
- IMS Ghaziabad is proud to have its independent digital library where the students get access to books, journals and can also give examinations through the portal. If required, the batch of 2020-2020, may also be given access to the digital library.
- The institute doesn’t have any waitlist. Students are either selected or rejected
- There is no increase in fees
- Like every year, Convocation for 2017-2019 batch was held last year
- This year due to the current situation there is no information on Convocation as well as the farewell (for 2nd year students).
- They will conduct the convocation ceremony only after the government gives approval for public gatherings.
Internships & Placements
- Students from the batch 2019-2021 are already doing their internships with their respective companies.
- Internship period for the institute is May- June
- No companies revoked offers for summer internships as well as final placements
- Placements were done long back before lockdown. Few of the students have joined previously, some have recently joined through virtual joining procedures of companies. Some are yet to join
- Highest Domestic package recorded – 12 LPA, Highest International Package recorded – 16.69 LPA
Class Schedule, Online Classes, Examination
- Currently, regular classes are suspended.
- The institute plans to reopen for their regular classes in August only after new AICTE circular come out
- 4tn semester classes are held online through webinars, lectures. 25 Webinars held in last 2 months for both first year and final year students
- Examinations are over for 1st year students through online digital library
- For 2nd year students, exams will get over by 29th May
9. Jindal Global Business School (JGBS), Sonipat
Admission and Fees
- Jindal Global Business School has a JSAT (aptitude test) mandatory for all students seeking admission into JGBS. This year JSAT is being conducted online
- No increase in fees. It remains the same as the previous year
- Skype interview is being conducted to ensure a smooth admission process for the aspirants
- Since students/parents are not being able to visit the campus physically, a virtual tour of the campus is being provided through the website
- 50 students who had paid fees for the programme had the opportunity to attend a webinar with the Programme Head and Placement team.
- A second webinar will be conducted for the upcoming batch students with specialisation officers and with existing students of JGBS to give the batch of 2020-2022 a fair idea about the culture, life, curriculum of JGBS.
- Generally new batch classes start on 1st August every year, but for this year there is no information when it will start. They are waiting for updated guidelines from UGC and AICTE.
- Every year convocation is held on 7th August
- Owing to the pandemic situation, this year there is no information as of now
Internships & Placements
- 1st year students (2019-2021) have already got their internship offers from respective companies
- The internship period is June- July for JGBS, so students are yet to start their internship. Everything will depend upon the situation whether they will join virtually or will be physically present in the offices
- Placements at JGBS don’t seem to be much affected by the current situation. In the last 15 days, many students from BBA and MBA batches have been recruited and interviews are still going on. Joining may be delayed.
- Average package is 8.6 Lakhs
Class Schedule, Online Classes, Examination
- Classes are being held online since 20th April for both the first year and second year students
- There is a slight change in deadlines, submission of assignments as courses are being conducted online
- Regular webinars are being held from time to time
- Examinations were held online for both the batches.
10. Crescent School Of Business (CSB), Chennai
- CSB is in the process of conducting the selection process online on the basis of MBA exam scores.
- Those candidates who have not appeared in any MBA exam, are required to give the CSB admission test online
- After that, shortlisted candidates are being interviewed through skype and their offer letters are rolled out online
- The total number of Seats remains the same – 60. There is no increase in fees
- Initially the joining date of 15th June was decided for the batch of 2020-2022. Now the joining date is postponed due to the current situation. The institute is waiting for updated circulars from Govt of India, AICTE, and UGC
- The first batch is yet to graduate next year.
Internships & Placements
- All the students had received internship offers from different companies. But the internship for the 2019-2021 batch has been delayed. The students will have their internship during their 6th term of their course.
- Since internships have been delayed, students are assigned research based projects to work on
- The first batch (MBA) is yet to pass out. So there is no data of placements.
Class Schedule, Online Classes, Examination
- Since the lockdown started, students have been enrolled in online classes
- There is no information when regular classes would begin
- End term exam is not conducted yet. The institute plans to conduct the exam after the institute reopens
- Students are being enrolled into online certifications and modules from Harvard Business School Publishing (HBSP)
- Regular webinars are being conducted to keep the students engaged
11. National Insurance Academy (NIA), Pune
- Despite the restrictions of the lockdown, the admission process has been completed successfully by the team at National Insurance Academy, Pune. Moreover, the final list for the shortlisted candidates has also been released.
- The institute will be publishing details of the waitlisted candidates in the first week of June 2020.
- Due to the logistical problems posed by the nationwide lockdown, the date for convocation has not been decided at NIA Pune as of now.
- The management has informed that the decision to hold the convocation will be taken at a later stage after the lockdown is lifted.
- Internships for some students have already started on work from home basis. Though, the internship start dates for some students have been pushed forward to 1st June.
Online Classes, Examination, Placements-
- The management has decided to adhere to the guidelines issued by the AICTE, and therefore the first and second-year classes will commence as per the AICTE calendar.
- Regarding the decision to start online classes, the institute has not yet taken a decision, and the management has indicated that they will wait for AICTE’s update.
12. Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD), Mysore
- The admission process for first-year students at SDMIMD has not been largely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a matter of fact, the admissions process was completed in the month of March while the final results for the admission process were released in the first week of April.
- The convocation ceremony at SDMIMD got postponed due to the nationwide lockdown. As of now, any new date has not been decided yet for the ceremony.
- Due to the restrictions in place, several internships that involved the students engaging in fieldwork have been cancelled.
- In order to reduce the impact on students, faculty-guided projects have been used to replace the internships.
- The introductory classes for the first-year students have already started in the online mode. Students are actively participating in the classes which are being conducted in the form of live webinars with faculty.
- The classes for second-year students at SDMIMD will commence from 1st June. These classes will be held in the online mode for now, until the situation normalizes.
- Moreover, in order to facilitate the learning process, 2nd-year students have been given access to free Coursera courses that have been designed according to their requirements.
13. Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (XIME), Bangalore
- The admission process at the Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship is still going on. The institute has recently released the first list for the candidates who have been waitlisted.
- As some of the GD/PIs are still left, the admission process could not be completed yet. The management is developing an online process to complete the remaining GD and PIs to complete the rest of the admissions.
- As the threat of Coronavirus pandemic is looming large across the country, the convocation ceremony for this year has been cancelled considering the safety of the students and parents.
- Due to the extended nationwide lockdown, several internship offers have now been revoked by the recruiters. In the case of several students, the stipends have been revoked, but the internships will continue.
- In order to make up for the problems being faced by students whose internship offers have been revoked, they are instead being provided live projects by the college.
- The management at the institute has decided to commence the second year classes from 1st July onwards. These will most probably be online classes as no decision on resuming physical classroom sessions has been taken yet.
- Regarding the classes for first-year students, the management has not yet decided if the classes for the students will be conducted in online mode or as classroom sessions.
- There are unconfirmed reports that if a decision is taken to conduct the first-year classes in the online mode, then the online classes will commence from 27th July.
14. Institute of Management Development & Research (IMDR), Pune
- IMDR admissions team has by now completed two rounds of interviews & has now moved the admission process along with personal interviews to the online mode keeping in mind the current situation.
- The institute has also published the waiting list on their website in order to avoid any kind of confusion among the student community.
- Admission related updates are regularly being published on the official website of the institute and students have been requested to refer to the website in order to avoid any kind of discrepancy.
- Every year, the convocation ceremony for IMDR Pune is organized in the month of January or February. The management is hoping that the pandemic situation will come under control by then; thus the students and parents will be able to participate in the ceremony and enjoy to the fullest.
- Everyone in the batch has secured internships and are currently interning in their respective companies. As of now, there has been no revocation of any offer.
- The recruiters have made the required changes to allow the interns to work from home, considering the restrictions in place due to the lockdown. As of now, there have been no complaints from the students regarding this internship experience.
Online Classes, Examination, Placements
As per the academic calendar shared by AICTE and the specified norms, the institute is going to commence regular classes from August 2020. However, the management is also prepared to start classes in the online mode; if the situation demands the same, they are prepared for any eventuality.
15. Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Kozhikode
- The admissions team at IIM Kozhikode has managed to complete the first phase of the admission process as per schedule. Only the interview sessions are remaining. The remaining interviews for the shortlisted candidates will be conducted online at the end of May. Then a final list of shortlisted candidates will be released.
- Earlier, there were plans to commence the second phase of admissions from 1st June 2020. But now the commencement date for the second phase of the admission process has been preponed to 1st May 2020.
Online classes:
While the institute has been shut since the nationwide lockdown came into effect, the online classes were started by the institute on 3rd April, to help the students continue their studies. The online classes have now been going on for more than six weeks.
Class Schedule:
As of now, the management has not taken any decision regarding the resumption of classroom sessions. A final decision regarding the classes will now be taken after the situations normalize and in accordance with the government guidelines.
Internship & Projects:
Internships are being completed in the online mode for some students who were able to get the opportunity, and they are now doing it successfully. This is the first batch for PGP BL from the institute.
16. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Department of Management Studies (DOMS), Kanpur
The admission team at IIT Kanpur has decided to scrap the Group Discussion and Personal Interview process. Now the final list of selected candidates will be prepared, and the offers for admission will be issued by the department. The selection criteria for the candidates will be CAT score, academic performance, and work experience. The documents for the same have already been collected.
Class Schedule:
The initial plans from the management were to resume the classes from 15th June 2020, but as the situation has not yet improved, a decision regarding resumption of classroom sessions will be taken on 21st May 2020.
Online classes:
The institute is not conducting any mandatory online classes as several students have been facing issues with their internet connections. Thus, in order to facilitate the learning process, the professors are sharing recorded lectures and other content over weekly emails.
Due to the nationwide lockdown, internships for students from IIT Kanpur are being conducted virtually. Herein, the students have been provided virtual projects from the recruiting companies to work on.
As of now, the institute has not taken any decision regarding conducting the convocation ceremony. First priority of the institute is to conduct the final exams for the graduating batch and only thereafter any decision regarding the convocation will be taken.
17. Lovely Professional University (LPU), Jalandhar
- The admission process for LPU is now being completed through the online mode. The admissions team is conducting the GD and PI process through different available online channels. The selection criteria being followed by the admissions team is the performance of the students.
- The management at LPU also conducted a survey of 5,000+ parents. The findings were extremely surprising as more than 25% of the parents are contemplating postponement of the education of their kids for the next couple of years.
- The management is anticipating an impact on the withdrawal or refund rate as the pandemic is making a huge impact on the students from across the world. It is being expected that withdrawal or refund rates will increase from 15% to 25% this year.
- The convocation ceremony at LPU is organized once every two years. This year anyways, the university is not due to conduct the convocation. But it will not be possible for LPU to conduct the convocation ceremony because more than 60,000 individuals are present during the convocation, and it will be not possible to maintain social distancing during the program.
Internships & placements
- The internship sat LPU has been delayed due to the ongoing circumstances. As per the information shared by the management, the internship program has now been pushed to July-August. But in case the situation does not normalize, then the internship can be postponed further as well, i.e. to the 3rd or 4th semester, i.e. as late as January 2021.
- Most of the students from LPU have been placed as a large number of participating companies have honoured their offers. Though several recruiters have re-negotiated the packages offered to the students there are some cases where the internships have been revoked or have been deferred until further notice.
- The placement team at the university has informed that they are already working on devising new strategies. As of now, they have managed to successfully complete more than 50 interviews online.
Online Classes: Various options are being contemplated by the management regarding the choice to start online classes, but no final decision has been taken yet.
18. S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR), Global Management Programme (GMP), Mumbai
- The admissions team at SPJIMR has managed to complete the process for admission to the June session despite the restrictions in place due to the nationwide lockdown.
- The admissions team has reported that the admissions for the January session are now open, and students can start their application process online.
No convocation ceremony is organized for SPJIMR GMP. So, there are no updates regarding the convocation ceremony anyways.
- There are unconfirmed reports that the June batch for the GMP is presently scheduled to start in the last week of June. The tentative date for commencement of the program is 22nd June, but it is yet to be confirmed by the management.
- As physical classroom sessions cannot be conducted in present circumstances, the classes for June will be conducted in the online mode until the situation normalizes.
19. South Indian Education Society College of Management Studies (SIESCOMS), Mumbai
- As per the latest updates from the admissions team at SIESCOM, the first merit list for PGDM Biotechnology students has already been released by the institute.
- The results for the admission process for the PGDM and PGDM-Pharma have not yet been declared by the institute.
- The delay in the finalization of the results is due to the fact that the results for the MH-CET have not yet been declared. Once the results for MH-CET are announced, only then can the admissions team prepare a final list for the selected candidates.
The convocation ceremony at SIESCOMS has been postponed indefinitely due to the nationwide lockdown and social distancing norms in place. A date will be announced only after the situation normalizes across the country.
- All students are now working on their internships virtually, i.e. in Work From Home mode.
- In addition to the internships, the institute is also conducting an alumni mentorship program wherein the students have been divided into groups of 3-4, and then an alumnus is assigned as a mentor to the group. The mentor will assign a new assignment to the students every week, and the students will be marked for their performance in the assignments.
- There are no confirmed dates for commencement of the classroom sessions, but it is expected that the classes for the first-year students will commence in September
- The classes for the second year students will start in July, and they will be available in online mode only
20. SDA Bocconi Asia Center, Mumbai
- Applications for the International Master in Business (IMB) program were closed on 20th May
- The interviews for Round 3 and Round 4 were conducted via Skype
- The admissions team at SDA Bocconi are working diligently towards announcing the results at the earliest
- The results are expected to be out in the first week of June
- The management at SDA Bocconi decided to close the school early in March, and were first ones to do so keeping in mind the safety of the students, staff, and faculty
- The convocation was hence postponed and will be now conducted in September
- A virtual and telematic graduation has been planned in the month of July
- SDA Bocconi managed to shift all the internships to work from home mode
- Around 20% of the internship offers were revoked due to the COVID-19 pandemic
- However, the placement team successfully managed to replace them with new offers
- The management has decided to start the academic year for the first year by mid July
- The classes will be conducted online for a month, after which it will be shifted to a mixed distant mode for another one month
- Conducting offline classes for the rest of the year will be decided as per HRM’s directions
- Classes for the second year will commence in the first week of July and will follow the same plan as of the first year
- Second year students travel to Italy between September and December for their exchange semester
- As for now the semester is planned as is, the management is keeping a close track of the global situation and will come up with an alternate plan if needed
21. Praxis Business School, Kolkata
- The admissions team at Praxis Business school has meticulously followed all the guidelines and protocols defined by AICTE for conducting the admissions process
- Some roundsof interviews were conducted before the Lockdown was announced.
- The remaining interviews were conducted over Skype
- Three rounds of admissions were conducted: January, February, and March
- Total Seats allotted – 60
- Applied to AICTE for an additional 60 seats for which we expect the approval to come by June 15 2020
- The tuition fees and other academic fees are INR 7,27,000 for two years–
- Ourrefund policy will be as per the AICTE guidelines
The convocation ceremony at Praxis has been postponed indefinitely due to the nationwide lockdown and social distancing norms in place. A date will be announced only after the situation normalizes across the country.
Internships & Placements-
- Praxis hasmanaged to shift all the internships to work from home mode (100% Internships)
- None of the companies have revoked as of now
- 74% of the students were placed before the lockdown was announced. Some processes are scheduled in the coming weeks
- Some of the interviews are pending and are to be scheduled after the lockdown is lifted
- None of the placement offers have beenrevoked
- For now, the highest package is INR 10,00,000 (including variable) and the average package is INR 7,02,000
- As per AICTE guidelines, Praxis Business School has decided to start the academic year for the PGDM 2020-22 batch by 1st August, subject to clearance by MHA and the West Bengal Government and
- As per AICTE guidelines, classes for the 2nd year are expected to begin in the month of July, subject to clearance by West Bengal Govt. and MHA
- Praxis has started the Praxis Prep Classes, delivered online to the incoming batch, on the different functional areas of business like Finance, HR, Marketing, Economics, Technology etc. to prepare the students for their 2-year Praxis journey.
Disclaimer: All this information has been collected by speaking to the Admission and Placement teams of the respective institutions. However, the situation is very fluid and things can change especially with deadlines at a very fast pace. We request students to double-check with the institutions and from official sources before you make your decisions.