The date for the preliminary exam for the Departmental exam under the 2019 Sub-Inspector recruitment has been postponed by the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board (TNUSRB).
TNUSRB 2019 SI Departmental Preliminary exam is scheduled to be on January 13th, 2020. Earlier it was decided to be held on 11th January 2020.
It has been advised by the board to the candidates appearing for the TNUSRB 2019 SI Departmental Preliminary exam that they must check the emails and SMS for further details. The exam for remaining candidates will remain as it is.
The web page to get more essential details on the TNUSRB 2019 SI Departmental Preliminary exam is www.tnusrbonline.org . The admit card for the exam was released on December 30th, 2020.
Candidates from the open quota will have to go through an objective written exam for 70 marks and departmental quota candidates written exam will be for 85 marks. Among them, those who clear the written exam will appear for the PET and PMT stage of exam followed by Viva Voce.
Students from the department are exempted from PET/PMT stage of the exam.
This recruitment drive 2019 for SI recruitment will be held to fulfil 969 positions for Tamil Nadu Police Subordinate Service and Tamil Nadu Special Police Subordinate Service and the application process was conducted from March 20th to April 19th, 2019.
Also read, TNUSRB SI Admit Card 2019.