TNDTE (Tamil Nadu Directorate of Technical Education) will release TNEA 2019 rank today i.e., 20 th of June 2019 on its official website www.tneaonline.in . The rank list will be soon published on the official website of TNEA. The official website link is not responding currently.
Candidates who have appeared in the examination can check the rank list and can also download it for the future reference. The expected release date of the rank list was 17 th of June which was further postponed. The reason behind the postponed was to give another chance to those candidates who could not produced the educational proofs.
Registration for TNEA happened between May 2 nd to May 31 st , 2019. Between June 7 th to 13 th 2019, authorities verified educational proofs across 46 centres throughout the states. This year 104418 candidates took part in educational proof verification process compared to 98000 candidates last year.
Candidates can apply for the admission as per the seta allotment once the TNEA 2019 rank list is out.
For more details on TNEA 2019, stay tuned to www.pagalguy.com