Rarely does it happen that you connect on such a deeper level with a write-up, and that coming from a girl at a tender age of 13, is just spellbinding. Anne Frank has such sheer, quirky understanding of human emotions that at times it’s hard to believe it is coming from a girl of just 13.
The diary depicting the anecdotes of Anne’s daily life takes you through the life of a girl who is vernal for her age and is still discovering herself, her inner self in the midst of her barbarous journey during the World War II. The diary takes you through the various events of World War II, the egregious deeds of Hitler, the vicious upheaval that he cast upon Jews, the holocaust of the Jews in Germany and its invaded countries and the malicious desire of Nazis to capture the whole of Europe.
The writing makes you feel the agony of the girl, who is so melancholiac, who has no one to confide to, who is persistently snubbed by her inmates, who is searching for some love, for her mumsie. The words take you through the dreariness of the girl who wants to have the feel of human companionship but is devoid of options. Her dad, the only one she could reckon with stops vouching for her. Her mother and sister are rather indifferent towards her and ultimately it is in a young boy, Peter, she reposed, only to discover how indigent the guy himself was.
Anne disseminates such a strong character for a young girl. She is full of desires, ambitions and perseveringly tries to prove herself in front of others. She is impudent but at the same time she is prudent. She is nonchalant, sanguine, during sunlight but then she cries sub rosa in her bed nocturnally. She doesn’t want to seek anybody’s permission from for meeting Peter albeit, she is afraid about their perspectives. She has the audacity to meet a boy, to kiss him or to get intimate on the sly, but the next moment is circumspect about it.

Anne Frank’s outlook is congruent with any another girl/boy going through their adolescence and when I contemplate what if I was in her place (!) I realize I couldn’t have done anything better. She shows signs of despair and dread when she discovers end is near but is gritty when she needed to console the ladies. She is in dismay herself but doesn’t let anyone not even her parents to see that for it will make the others weak. The manner in which she outlived the 2 years’ long stay in the warehouse could not be improvised and that’s probably one of the many reasons why she turned out to be such an important persona of the holocaust.
Wonder what she could have been, only if, she wasn’t subjected to the fury of one evil, wretched being- The Hitler.