Hello PG Readers,
I thought of sharing my interview experience so that it reaches the maximum number of HR aspirants since during my time I didn’t come across a single interview experience. Hence, I was clueless about what an HR officer interview is like? So here comes the details:
Venue: BOM Zonal Office, Mumbai
Date: 19/03/2015
Time: 8:30 AM
I reached the venue at 8 AM. To my surprise I saw around 25 candidates already waiting outside for the gates to open. After some time, few officials also came. There was not even a single candidate that was absent in that batch. OK so going forward, we were offered tea and then started the document verification. They were very strict about HR specialisation proof. In case anyone didnt have the same they were asked to contact their colleges and ask for scanned image on college letter head which was to be submitted by the evening. I was 24th in the batch of 28 candidates. Every one was being interviewed for almost 15 minutes. My turn came post lunch and that too around 5’o Clock in the evening. Phewwww..It was such a long long wait..Finally I went in.
There were 7 members in the panel. 2 Females (one old and one young- HR specialist ) Rest all males.
Q 1: Where are you from?Q2: What subjects have you studied in MBA?Q3: About dual specialisation.Q4: What is Performance appraisal?Q5: Need for performance appraisal.Q6: What is difference between aspiration and inspiration?Q7: Introvert, extrovert and ambivert?Q8: What is actuary?Q9:What is underwriting?Q10: What is YTM and MTM?Q11: Big 5 personality models? Q12: What is stock exchange?Q13: What is depository?and some other personal questions. It took around 18 minutes. I answered all except YTM and MTM but they explained it to me.
Over all it was above average and I scored 65 in interview.. and been allotted a bank too… ?
Thanks for reading my experience. Hope it helps many of you.
By honeybee13