The results of the Junior Engineering Paper 1 held by the Staff Selection Commission have been released on December 12th 2019. Paper 1 was held between 23rd September 2019 and 27th September 2019.
The examination was held in online mode for the grade B posts in the fields of civil, mechanical, electrical, quantity survey and contract. The number of appearing candidates was 3, 77,133.
The candidates have been shortlisted for the paper 2 of the same category. Candidates can check out their results on the official website of the staff selection commission.
The answer keys are made available for a short duration of one month starting from 12th December 2019 to 11th January 2020. Candidates can view their respective question papers if they want to along with the answer keys and they may take print outs if they wish to.
How to check the result for the Junior Engineering Paper 1
Here check out the steps described below: –
Step 1: Go to the official website of the staff selection commission, i.e., www.ssc.nic.in.
Step 2: A link is present at the top of the home page stating- Junior Engineers (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Quantity Surveying & Contract) Examination, 2018 – Declaration of result of Paper-I for short-listing candidates for appearing in Paper-II (Descriptive Paper). Click on the link.
Or Click on the result tab made available for results.
Step 3: Click directly on the results option or select JE tab and click on the result.
Step 4: A list opens on its own that displays the list of candidates who are selected.
Step 5: In case you want to download the result, download it.
In case you want to check out the answer keys, you should follow:
Step 1: Go to the official website of the staff selection commission- ssc.nic.in
Step 2: Click on the notification link of the JE paper result available on the home page.
Step 3: Click on view the final answer key option.
Step 4: A prompt will appear to login. Enter your User-ID and password.
Step 5: After you have successfully logged in, you can view the answer key.
Step 6: You can download the answer key if you want to.
The cut-offs for the SSC JE paper 1 is as follows:
Civil Engineering:
Category | Cut-off marks | Candidates available |
General | 127.40 | 1498 |
OBC | 122.91 | 3150 |
EWS | 118.99 | 1567 |
SC | 107.61 | 1601 |
ST | 107.01 | 865 |
Electrical/Mechanical Engineering:
Category | Cut-off marks | Candidates available |
General | 152.16 | 390 |
OBC | 149.30 | 701 |
EWS | 147.47 | 341 |
SC | 133.39 | 307 |
ST | 125.49 | 180 |
Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for SSC JE Recruitment | Exam Date, Admit Card, Result
Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) – SSC JE Result 2019
Question: What is the official website of SSC?
Answer: The official website of SSC is ssc.nic.in
Question: When will the paper 2 commence?
Answer: Paper 2 will commence on the 29th of December.
Question: What will be the nature of paper 2?
Answer: Paper 2 will be of descriptive nature
Question: When will be the admit cards released?
Answer: The admit cards will be released soon on the official website.