Staff Selection Commission organised various recruitment drives every year for selecting appropriate candidates for available vacancies with different central government departments. Presently, SSC has been conducting the recruitment drive for selection of suitable candidates for the post of Junior Engineer under SSC JE 2018 recruitment. Under the SSC JE 2018, recruitment driven SSC conducted Paper 1 from 23rd September 2019 to 27th September 2019.
The candidates who managed to clear the SSC JE 2018 Paper 1 will now have to appear for the SSC JE 2018 Paper 2 which will be conducted on 29th December 2019. It is a written examination which is conducted in pen and paper mode. It is important for the candidates to score the qualifying marks in SSC JE 2018 Paper 2 to proceed ahead to the next stages of the selection.
The only way of ensuring success in SSC JE 2018 Paper 2 is to prepare a study plan and follow it completely. Instead of relying on some pre-prepared study plans which might not suit the study style of the candidate, preparations should be based on a customised study plan.
SSC JE 2018 Paper 2: Important Details
Here are some of the most important details pertaining to the SSC JE 2018 Paper 2 that the candidates must understand completely: –
– SSC JE 2018 Paper 2 is conducted in the written mode. So the candidates should bring their pens along with.
– Candidates will be scored out of 300 marks for SSC JE 2018 Paper 2.
– The total duration of SSC JE 2018 Paper 2 is 2 hours or 120 minutes.
– The paper will be divided into 3 sections, out of which the candidate must select one paper according to his or her specialisation
o Part A – General Engineering (Structural and Civil)
o Part B – General Engineering (Electrical)
o Part C – General Engineering (Mechanical)
SSC JE 2018
SSC JE 2018 Paper 2: Preparation Strategy
Candidates can inculcate the following strategies to prepare their own study plan for SSC JE 2018 Paper 2: –
– Understand the syllabus thoroughly and divide it into easy, normal, and difficult according to the perceived difficulty level.
– Prepare a proper timetable that devotes maximum time to difficult questions and least time to easy questions. Be open to modifying your timetable as and when required.
– Make sure you understand the concept behind the theory. Do not move forward unless all your doubts are cleared.
– Prepare flashcards or notes which can help you revise the main points quickly.
– Do not just rote formulas, practice them numerous times so that you memorize them and are able to use them as and when required.
– Practice using last year question papers and mock tests to understand the difficulty level of the questions.
– Time yourself while attempting the sections to learn time management during the exam.
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