The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) published the examination calendar for the year 2019-20 and has amended specific exam dates. The examination calendar has all the significant periods of all the essential exams to be managed by the commission in the year 2019-20.
Combining to this, the changes of examination and the mode of the test are also covered in the calendar. This year-long calendar gives candidates a provisional date schedule to help them to plan their preparation suitably. The official website to refer to the timetable is www.ssc.nic.in .
According to the exam schedule, the SSC CGL
- The Tier I exam will be carried from June 4 to 19, 2019
- The Tier-II exam 2018 will be conducted from Sept 11 to 13, 2019
- The Tier III exam of SSC CGL 2018 will be kept on Dec 29, 2019.
The examination shall be held in computer-based mode.
SSC Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Exam (CHSL) 2018:
The Tier 1 exam is planned to be held on | July 1 to July 26, 2019
Paper I for Junior Engineer (Civil, Engineer, and Mechanical) 2018 is scheduled for | Sept 23 to 27, 2019.
Registration for the same will commence on | Feb 2 and will follow till Feb 25, 2019 |
Paper-II for Junior Engineer (Civil, Engineer, and Mechanical) 2018 will be taken on | Dec 29, 2019.
Registration shall be beginning from August 1 and will end on | Aug 28, 2019.
For further information candidates are advised to check the official notification and make proper noting of the schedule keeping it error-free, motivating and planned.