SSC (Staff Selection Commission) has released the SSC CGL (Combined Graduate Level) tier-II marks 2019 on the official website. The candidates can download the SSC CGL Tier-II marks through the official website.
The commission released SSC CGL tier II result 2019 on 25th October 2019. According to the result, total number of 5009 candidates qualified for appearing in the Tier-III exam 2019 which is scheduled to be held on 29 December 2019 on a single shift basis. All the candidates who appeared in the SSC CGL 2019 Tier-II exam can download the result on the official website till 6th December 2019.
How to download the SSC CGL Tier II exam 2019 result:
- Visit the official website www.ssc.nic.in.
- Click on the result button given on the screen.
- Click on the link provided for the SSC CGL Tier-II result 2019.
- The SSC CGL result of Tier-II exam 2019 will open in PDF format.
- Press the Ctrl + F key.
- Enter the name or roll number.
- Press the enter key.
- If the candidate’s name appears on the given list then the candidate has qualified the exam.
- Download and take a print out of the SSC CGL Tier-II result 2019 for future use.
SSC CGL Tier-II exam was conducted on 11th September 2019 and 13th September 2019. Now, the commission will conduct the Tier-III exam on 29th December 2019 and the admit card for the Tier-III SSC CGL exam 2019 will be allotted in due course. All the candidates are asked to keep checking the official website for the latest updates.
SSC CGL Tier III 2019 will be a descriptive type. The candidates have to write the exam in Hindi or English and the exam will be for 100 marks. The candidates who qualify the SSC CGL Tier-III exam 2019 will be called for skill test or computer efficiency test.
You can also read, SSC CGL Final Result 2017.