SSC CGL refers to the Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGL), which is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC). This examination is conducted for the recruitment of candidates for Grade B and Grade C posts in various departments and ministries of the government.
This exam is known as the Combined Graduate Level Examination because the posts for which recruitment is conducted require a graduate degree as the minimum educational qualification.
SSC CGL examination is conducted in 4 stages out of which Tier-I and Tier-II examinations are computer-based tests whereas Tier-III and Tier-IV are descriptive papers.
It must be noted that each stage of examination for SSC CGL is qualifying in nature, that is, candidates can move on to the next stage only if they qualify in the stage previous to it.
The Staff Selection Commission had notified a total 8,121 vacancies for the SSC CGL 2017 recruitment drive. The examinations were conducted in 2018 with the first tier being conducted on 8th July 2018. A total of 35,990 candidates had qualified for the Document Verification and Skill tests which were conducted between 16th June to 31st July 2019.
After much delay, the Staff Selection Commission has finally released the final result for SSC CGL 2017. Candidates who had appeared for the Document Verification can check if they have qualified or not.
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The result was declared on 15th November 2019. In order to download the result, candidates can follow a few simple steps –
- Step-1 : Visit the official website of the Staff Selection Commission, which is https://ssc.nic.in/
- Step-2 : Go to the Latest News section on the home page.
- Step-3 : Click on the link that reads “Combined Graduate Level Examination 2017 – Declaration of the Final Result.”
- Step-4 : The result will be downloaded in a PDF format. Candidates must go through the results carefully and check if they have been selected.
- Step-5 : Save the result and take a printout of it for future purposes.
As per the results, 8120 vacancies have been filled up as against the 8121 vacancies. The Staff Selection Commission had acknowledged the delay in the release of the SSC CGL 2017 because of a very strict and tight schedule.
The Staff Selection Commission is heavily engaged in conducting various other examinations right now. The Staff Selection Commission has also opened the application process for SSC CGL 2019, which will be conducted in the upcoming year.
Some other exams for which are currently being conducted or are scheduled to be conducted soon by the Staff Selection Commission are that of Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination, Multitasking (Non-technical) Staff Examination, etc.