The conditions formed due to the pandemic of COVID-19 have bought with them the unfavorable air that is adversely affecting the placement season in major business schools in India.
IIM Calcutta is also affected by the weathering air bought by COVID-19 and has claimed the revoking of job offers by the companies.
With a 10% rise in the pay pack with respect to last year and 442 students already being successfully placed, only six job offers have been revoked.
“The pandemic of COVID-19 has raised up conditions that have compelled one of our recruiter’s headquarters to revoke six job offers.
Analyzing the situations that promote or demote the uplift of the lockdown, another recruiter has shifted the date of joining from May to July, after reconciling its internal business segments,” IIM-C Placement Committee Chairperson, Abhishek Goel, told PTI.
The joining process typically takes place between April and August, and the recruiters are moving ahead to follow the procedures as per their hiring plans while some of them have enabled virtual joining, Goel said.
“IIM Calcutta is taking the precautionary measures to deal with the potential threats that may be posed by the situation. In the welfare of the same, the academic calendar has also been revised for shifting various programs accordingly”, said Anju Seth, Director of IIM Calcutta.
“The institute is also devising models of online teaching in various programs and is observing the current scenario closely and is ready with any action plans as the situations call,” Seth added.
Coming to the internship aspect, four recruiters have so far revoked their summer internship offers due to change in the business conditions, which has affected 12 students of the institute out of 480.
Out of these 12 students, nine students have been provided with new internships. The institute is making efforts to find alternate opportunities for the remaining three students.
Recruiters have made alternate arrangements for starting internships as per their offer letters via digital media, and some recruiters have shifted joining dates from 13 April to 20 April, taking into consideration the barriers raised by the lockdown.
90 percent of the recruiters have started their internship programs by 20 April, giving the students the stipend promised while two recruiters have reduced it due to the effects caused to the business amid COVID-19.
IIM Calcutta is trying some mixed digital ways to carry on the necessary programs. A mix of virtual and on-field modes of internships have been allowed for the onboarding process of the students.