The theme for Tattva08 is aStrategic Foresight a The Power of Envisioning the Futurea. Strategic foresight is the response to the problems of rapid change and inadequate planning processes. The objectives of Tattv are to obtain insights into how the three major business elements namely People, Process & Technology could be strategically and operationally interlaced to achieve organizationas goals and to understand organizationsa role as a Strategic Business Partner and Agent of Change.

This yearas Tattva08 will be host to Rajnikant Patel, Ex MD & CEO of BSE; Rita Soni, Country Head, Responsible Banking of Yes Bank; Bakul Dave, Head Corporate Safety and Environment of Hindustan Unilever Limited; Gopalratnam Kannan, Country Manager of the SWATCH Group; MS Unnikrishnan, Managing Director of Thermax Ltd.; GR Gangadhar, Director of Forbes Marshall; Pankaj Gupta, General Manager – Operations & Supply of Hindustan Unilever Limited; Prabhat Pani, Chief Executive Officer of Ginger Hotels, Roots Corporation Limited; Rahul Gupta, CEO, Cable Divisions of Usha Martin Limited; Dr Ram Babu, Managing Director of Cantor CO2E; Nadia Chauhanto and more.

The symposium is spread over a length of two days and is segregated into six sessions. They would explore various dimensions of Strategic Foresight like how it could be achieved through and integrated with Operations Excellence. It would address how Indian Businesses are thinking progressively and innovatively into the future. The second day would deal with Entrepreneurship in the Indian scenario. It would also cover visualizing the Indian future in pace with the developed countries and achieving an inclusive economic growth for the country. Finally the day would close with a session on aStriking a balance between environmental, societal and business systems in India Inc.

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