State board of Assam, the board for secondary education is commonly known by the abbreviation SEBA. SEBA is imposed with the obligation of providing a quality education pattern within the state, followed by timely conducted exams, to ensure quality education is imparted through the schools which have its affiliation.
SEBA has released the time table for the higher Higher School Leaving Certificate (HSLC)/Assam High Madrassa (AHM).
The press release which happened shortly by the SEBA has revealed that the examinations will commence from the date of 10th February 2020.
They will end of the date 29th February 2020. The examinations will, however, be conducted in the schedule of 2 shifts, which is from morning 9 am to 12 noon and then, in the afternoon from the time 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM.
Subject schedule
The second shift will be followed for exams of the subject fine Art (E). The evening shift is only meant for a limited number of subject, and so, the rest of the subjects will be held in the first shift as scheduled.
Fine art being one subject, the other subjects which will be conducted for the evening shift are the Wood Craft (E), Retail Trade NSQF (E), IT/ITeS NSQF (E), Private Security NSQF (E), Health Care NSQF (E), Agriculture & Horticulture NSQF (E) and Tourism & Hospitality NSQF (E).
Monitored exam
CCTV surveillance is mandatory for all the examinations conducted by the SEBA for the HSLC/AHM. All the candidates will be under the surveillance of the CCTV while they attend their examination for the year 2020. The rules and regulation regarding the usage of unfair means are strict, and it includes the usage of cell phones inside the examination halls.
Practical examinations
Practical examinations are as well a part of the exam and will be held for 2 hours, probably in the time 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
The venue for the practical exams belonging to the subjects fine Art (E), Wood Craft (E), Retail Trade NSQF (E), IT/ITeS NSQF (E), Private Security NSQF (E), Health Care NSQF (E), Agriculture & Horticulture NSQF (E) and Tourism & Hospitality NSQF (E) will be conducted in the same hall as that of the final exam, where the venue for other subjects will vary.
As for the subjects such as Dance (E), Music (E), Home Science (E), Wood Craft (E), Weaving & Textile Design (E), and Garment Designing (E), is to be held at other venues, and shall be announced at due time.
On the other account, the students attending the exam of Computer Science (E) & IT/ITeS NSQF (E), the venue will be decided by the officer in charge, who will be responsible for the venues.