SBI had announced the opening of the application form from 12th of April 2019. The registration took place through the online medium, which was closed on 3rd May 2019. Followed by which the admit card for the preliminary exam was given out. The preliminary exams were then conducted on and during June 2019.
The result was announced followed by which the candidates who were selected were qualified for the mains exam. The admit card for the mains were then provided to the students followed by which the main exams were conducted on 10th of August 2019. This exam had a total of 190 questions of 200 marks. The time allotted for the exam was 2 hours and 40 minutes.
According to the eligibility criteria for the exam, the allowed age limit was from 20 years of age to 28 years of age.
SBI has now announced the results for those who appeared for the mains exam for the posts of the clerk. The candidates who had appeared for the exam can now check the results on the official website of State Bank of India: www.sbi.co.in/careers
It was seen that that due to some of the floods and other rampant unpleasant changes in some of the parts of the countries the exams were cancelled that was supposed to take place on August 10th 2019. It was then postponed to September 20th 2019. Due to this postponement of the exams, the results were declared quite late than usual.
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Steps to check the result on the official website:
- Step 1: Visit the official website of State Bank of India: sbi.co.in/careers
- Step 2: Click on the link available on the main homepage to view the results
- Step 3: You’ll be redirected to a new page
- Step 4: The results will then be displayed on this page
- Step 5: Check the result
- Step 6: Click on download and save to keep the result for further usage.
The marks that are obtained in the preliminary exams are not counted while only the marks that are scored in the Main Examination will act as a criterion for selection during the final list of applicants. The selection will be based on the candidate’s performance in the test. Those who have been selected in the mains exam are then supposed to give a test proving that they have learnt the specific local language.
If a person presents his/her 10th or 12th mark sheet, then there is no need for a test as it becomes proof of them having learnt the language. The final selection is based on the eligibility criteria and the details which have been provided in the application form.
There are in total 8904 vacancies for the post of clerk which is to be filled in through this recruitment process. The newly appointed Junior Associates will be on test period for six months. These candidates will get around Rs. 25,000/- per month inclusive of D.A. other allowances are also granted along with which there are two additional increments for the newly recruited graduate Junior Associates.