The exam schedule and admit card for the Junior Scientific Assistant (JSA) 2019 has been released by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board, RSMSSB. Candidates can check the exam schedule from the official website, www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in .
The RSSB JSA 2019 exam is from 14th to 22nd September 2019.
Steps to download RSSB JSA 2019 exam schedule and admit card:
- Visit the official website, as mentioned above.
- Click on the “download admit card” link.
- Enter registration number and roll number to log in.
- Check and download the admit card.
- Take a print of the admit card for further use.
The admit card for RSSB recruitment 2019 exam will be downloadable from 9th September 2 pm onward. The admit card will carry all the details regarding the exam like exam centre, time etc.
Candidates must stay tracked to the official website for more updates and timely information.