The Railway Recruitment Board just recently conducted the examination with which it will select the candidates who have the potentiality to work for the Indian Railways. The exam is called the Computer based test which the candidates should take up. The official website for RRB is http://www.rrbcdg.gov.in/ .
The computer-based test will be divided into 2 parts. The candidates who pass the 1st computer-based test will be qualified to attend the 2nd computer-based test. The 2019 recruitment began on May and the 1st Computer based test was conducted from May 22 to May 29.
The result of the 1st computer-based test is scheduled to be released on the 2nd week of August. The candidates who appeared for the RRB JE CBT 1 can go to the official website of the railway recruitment board, www.indianrailways.gov.in to check the results of the examination.
Marks Required to Qualify:
In order to qualify the 1st CBT the candidates from each category should have certain minimum marks
- Unreserved Category – 40%
- OBC & SC – 30%
- St – 25%
The candidates who have qualified in this exam will be eligible to appear for the 2nd computer-based test which is scheduled to take place during the Last week of August or First Week of September. The exact date will be revealed soon by the Indian Railways, and the candidates can see on their official website.
The total available vacancy was stated as 13,487, but recently the Kolkata metro informed that they have added 74 additional posts to their vacancy and hiked the vacant position from 1519 to 1593.
This hike in Kolkata’s metro vacancy also led to the total vacancy position to go from 13,487 to 13,561. The candidates should check their results by using their login ID and password, which was generated and given to them during the submission of the application form. Stay tuned to PaGaLGuY group for more updates and information.