The Railway Recruitment Board has issued RRB JE Admit Card 2019 for the document verification process on November 12, 2019. The candidates shall download the admit card through the official site of regional RRBs like RRB Bengaluru, RRB Mumbai, RRB Kolkata, RRB Ajmer, etc. Every selected candidate will have to appear for Document Verification and Medical Examination.
The second stage CBT was carried from August 28 to September 1, 2019, for the Junior Engineer (JE), Junior Engineer (Information and Technology), Depot Material Superintendent (DMS) and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA). The candidates shall download the admit card by understanding these simple steps given below.
Steps to download the Admit Card for document verification for RRB JE 2019:
- Go to the official website of regional RRBs or main website, http://www.rrbcdg.gov.in/ .
- Then Tick on RRB JE Admit Card 2019 for the document verification link accessible on the main page.
- Access the registration number and date of birth and then click on login.
- Respective admit card will be presented on the screen.
- Review the admit card and download it.
- Maintain a hard copy of the same for further needs.
According to the official notice, candidature of all the selected for Document verification is solely provisional and is subject to be cancelled, at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, in case of any inconsistency or deficiency in the data provided by them in their online application or any negligence on the part of candidates proceeding to the notice of RRB at any stage of the recruitment process.
In 2019 recruitment will fill up 13,487 posts of Junior Engineers in Indian Railways.
The recruitment shall include the posts of:
- Junior Engineer (JE),
- Junior Engineer (Information Technology) [JE(IT)],
- Depot Material Superintendent (DMS) and
- Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA)
Under Indian Railways across the nation. Candidates who have arrived for the examination can check details through the official site of RRBs.
Stay connected to other applicants through our group, RRB JE Recruitment 2019 – CBT 2 Results, Revised Answer Key & Cut off.