Railroad Recruitment Board (RRB) has published a notification with respect to the declaration of RRB Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) and various posts of Technician result 2019 on its website. Applicants who attended the RRB ALP technician exam 2019 under advertisement no. CEN 01/2018 will be able to check their outcome on 13 December 2019 onwards as per the official notification.
Job Summary:
Advertisement No. | CEN No. 01/2018 |
Date of Publication | 23 February 2019 |
Online registration of Applications start date | 12 March 2019 |
Online registration of Applications last date | 12 April 2019 |
Computer Based Test (CBT) schedule | September-October 2019 |
Vacancies | 26502 Posts |
Country | India |
The official website to get more details on the recruitment is http://www.rrbcdg.gov.in/ .
How to download RRB ALP Technician
- Applicants are required to visit the official site of Railway Recruitment Board
- Look for the link “CEN RRC-01/2019 Result”.
- Next, you will be diverted to the login page.
- The applicant should enter the roll number, registration number, DOB and click on the submit button.
- The RRB ALP technician result will be shown on the screen.
- Aspirants can keep a copy of the result for future reference.
All aspirants are encouraged to watch out for the official site for recent updates. Railroad Recruitment Board (RRB), Bhopal has led the Document Verification Round CEN No. 01/2018 which was held in the Railway Recruitment Board, Bhopal office from 18 June to 21 August 2019, 31 July 2019, 1 August 2019, 26 Aug 2019, 27 August 2019.
Stay connected with fellow students on PaGaLGuY for RRB ALP Recruitment and Result
Also read, RRB ALP Technician Results 2019.