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RRB Ahmedabad JE CBT Phase I Result 2019 Declared

Railway Recruitment Board, Ahmedabad has officially released the result for the Computer Based Test (CBT) Phase I Exam for RRB Junior Engineer Examination 2019. Candidates who appeared for the said exam can now check their results via the RRB Ahmedabad official website at Further essential details regarding results cut-off and second stage CBT are available on the site.

Direct Link to Check RRB JE CBT 1 Results –

The CBT phase I examinations were conducted in the months of May and June across different states in the country. The results of the first phase CBT will determine the candidates that will be shortlisted and summoned for the second stage-CBT. RRB JE CBT-II will most likely be conducted during the last week of August or the first week of September.

Important dates: 

Events Dates
RRB JE Ahmedabad phase-I CBT result declared on 14 August 2019
Tentative schedule for RRB JE CBT-II Last week of August or first week of September

Here are the steps to download RRB Ahmedabad JE Result for phase-I CBT 2019:

A total of 5,958 aspirants qualified the phase-I CBT, and the short-listed candidates who are cleared to appear for the stage-II CBT will be notified through the website or SMS or Email to download their city intimation advice to appear in the second Stage CBT about 10 days before the scheduled date of the examination.

RRB JE Results for other regions have also been announced, candidates can find out their results via the official RRB website of the concerned region.

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