RINL recruitment news is coming out for those who are waiting for a career, and those people can make use of this opportunity. They are inviting people for the post of management trainee, and also their process starts from online mode. Official website of RINL, http://www.vizagsteel.com .
Online registration starts from 20th July 2019 and last date for submitting applications will be on 9th August 2019. Any delay in the submission of the forms will not be considered.
Vacancy details:
Six posts are vacant for the position of management trainee, and four-post is vacant in the same job as a marketing department.
Eligibility criteria:
Candidates must have passed the degree in HR with 60 per cent of marks, and reserved category students must have passed with 50 per cent of marks.
Maximum age limit to apply for the posts will 27 years of age.
How to apply?
- As the first step, visit the official website from the date of 20th July to 9th August 2019.
- Click on the link for the application.
- After the application page is open, download it and apply.
- Take a printout for future use and the safety concern.
Candidates are requested to carry all the mandatory documents.