Dear readers,
We are presenting you a quiz which will be helpful in your preparation. So do solve the quiz and try to give your answers in comment section, soon we will publish the correct answers.
Directions (1-3): Each of the questions below consists of a
question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to
decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the
question. Read both the statements and give the answer.
(1) If the
data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data
in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question
(2) If the
data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question
(3) If the
data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question
(4) If the
data given in both statement I and II together are not sufficient to answer the
question and
(5) If the
data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question
1. Seven people are standing in a straight line
facing south. What is Bhavna’s position from the left end of the line?
I. Sandeep is standing second to the left of
Sheetal. Only five people stand between Sheetal and one who is standing at the
extreme right end of the line. Four people stand between Sandeep and Bhavna.
II. Anita is standing fourth to the left of
Sheetal. Less than three people are standing between Bhavna and Anita.
2. Five letters A, E, G, N and R are arranged
left to right according to certain conditions. Which letter is placed third?
I. G is placed second to the right of A. E is
to the immediate right of G. There are only two letters between R and G.
II. N is exactly between A and G. Neither A
nor G is at the extreme end of the arrangement.
3. Six people S, T, U, V, W and X are sitting
around a circular table facing the centre. What is T’s position with respect to
I. Only two people sit between U and W. X is
second to the left of W. V and T are immediate neighbours of each other.
II. T is to the immediate right of V. There
are only two people between T and S. X is an immediate neighbour of S but not
of V.
4. How many such pairs of letter are there in
the word ‘FREQUENT‘, each of which has many letters between them in the word
(in both forward and backward directions) as they have between them in the
English alphabetical series?
(1) None (2) One (3) Two
(4) Three (5)
More than three
5. If two is subtracted from each odd digit and
if two is added to each even digit in the number 9275436, what will be the
difference between the digits which are third from the right and second from
the left of the new number thus formed?
(1) 6 (2)
8 (3) 2
(4) 1 (5)
Directions (6-8): Study the following information to answer
the given questions.
In a certain code, ‘always to be
right’ is written as ‘4 9 3 2’, ‘right is also just’ is written as ‘9 7 6 5′, ‘come
to terms’ is written as ‘ 1 3 8’, terms are just’ is written as ‘0 1 6‘ and ‘always
is’ written as ‘ 7 4‘.
6. Which of the following is the code for ‘come’?
(1) 0 (2)
8 (3) 1
(4) 3 (5)
Either 1 or 8
7. Which of the following can be coded as ‘86315’?
(1) to be are just terms
(2) right to come are terms
(3) always also to be just
(4) be right also is terms
(5) also come to just terms
8. Which of the following represents, ‘always be
right terms’?
(1) 8413 (2)
2419 (3) 4389
(4) 1250 (5)
1 (1)
2 (3)
3 (2)
4 (3)
5 (3)
6 (2)
7 (5)
8 (2)