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Reasoning quiz for Banking entrance exams

Dear readers,

This quiz consists of actual questions from
various Banking entrance exams held during the last few years. Leave your
answers/ responses in the comments section below and soon we’ll let you know the
correct answers!

1. In a certain code PARTICLE is written as USBQFMDJ, how is DOCUMENT
written in that code ?





(5) None of these

2. R is sister of M who is brother of H. D is mother of K who
is brother of M. How is R related to D?

(1) Sister

(2) Daughter

(3) Mother

(4) Data inadequate

(5) None of these

3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and
so form a group? Which is the one that does not belong to the group?

(1) PS               (2) FI                (3) AD               (4) KN             (5) GD

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and
so form a group? Which is the one that does not belong to the group?

(1) 23                    (2) 29                (3) 37
              (4) 39                 (5) 31

5. If in the word ISOLATE, all the consonants are replaced by
the previous letter in the alphabet and all the vowels are replaced by the next
letter then all the letters are arranged alphabetically, which letter will be
third from the right end?

(1) P                (2) B             (3) N           (4) Q             (5) None of these

6. How many meaningful English words can be made from the
letters AERT, using each letter only once in each word?

(1) None             (2) One           (3) Two           (4) Three            (5) Four

7. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and
so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?

(1) Yellow               (2) Blue               (3) Pink            (4) Green             (5) Red

8. If in the word EQUALITY, the positions of first and the
fifth letters are interchanged, similarly the positions of the second and the
sixth letters are interchanged and so on. Which letter will be third from the
right end?

(1) Q             (2) U             (3) I             (4) T                 (5) None of these

9. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word
REFRESHING each of which has as many letters between them in the word as they
have in the English alphabet?

(1) None       (2) One       
 (3) Two           (4) Three        (5) More than three

10.  If in the number
38564927 first all the even digits are arranged in ascending order and then all
the odd digits are arranged in ascending order, which digit will be fourth from
the right end ?

(1) 5               (2) 3               (3) 6              (4) 4             (5) None of these

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1(4)        2(2)       3(5)        4(4)         5(1)            6(3)      
7(3)         8(1)         9(4)    
10 (2)

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